Page 9 of Rhett

“I get that all the time, too,” Nate said.

“You deserve it, Nathanial Anthony Morrison, Junior,” Penelope said with a mock scowl. She laughed when Nate pulled her to him and kissed her forehead.

Rhett yearned for that in his life. Nate had a perfect marriage and adored his wife.

“Where are the little ones?” he inquired.

“Napping. At last,” Penelope said.

Rhett nodded. He’d visit his twin niece and nephew later. Penelope had a rough pregnancy and almost died during the twins’ birth, but she pulled through. He remembered how torn up Nate had been when the doctors told him they weren’t sure if they could save Penelope. Nate told them to do all they could to save his wife, and luckily, they had all pulled through. Penelope wanted more children, but Nate refused. He had come too close to losing her and had a vasectomy to prevent future pregnancies.

“I’ll see them later. They’re too young to know me, but I brought some toys to get on their good sides.” Rhett grinned.

“Great. More toys. That’s all they need,” Nate muttered.

Rhett chuckled and looked at his mother.

“I’m going to grab a shower, and maybe I’ll nap too. It’s been a long drive.”

“All right, honey. Your room is ready for you. We’ll see you later. I’m making a pot roast for dinner.”

Rhett kissed her cheek, picked up his duffle bag, nodded to everyone, then headed up the stairs. He thought a nap sounded good as he entered the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

Chapter Two

Lucinda drove to her mother’s home for Thanksgiving dinner. She dreaded this. Her mother’s latest husband, Garth Carpenter, couldn’t keep his hands off her, and no matter how many times she told him to leave her alone, it didn’t stop him. She even told him she’d tell her mother, but he’d laugh. He knew as well as she did that her mother would believe him over her daughter.

She pulled up to the front of the house and stared at it. For God’s sake, it had eight bedrooms and nine bathrooms, and only the two lived here. Why in the world did her mother need this outlandish house?

With a deep sigh, she opened the door, walked to the door, opened it, and stepped into the foyer. The smells of Thanksgiving assaulted her nose.


“In here, honey,” Wanda Carpenter called out.

After removing her coat and hat, Lucinda hung them up, entered the living room, and smiled at her mother.

“Happy Thanksgiving, Mom.” Lucinda smiled, then jumped when a hand touched her shoulder, and she glanced over to see Garth grinning at her.

“What about me?”

“Happy Thanksgiving, Garth.” Lucinda almost gagged. This man was downright creepy.

When he leaned in to kiss her cheek, she moved away from him, walked to her mother, hugged her, then sat beside her.

“Everything smells so good,” Lucinda said.

“It’s ready, so let’s eat.” Wanda stood.

“I’m starving.” Lucinda followed her mother to the dining room.

Holidays were the only time she visited because her mother knew she was closed for most holidays. She had no excuse not to attend.

“How’s the dog place?”

“Mom, it’s a boarding and grooming business, not a dog place.” Lucinda sighed. Her mother disapproved of her line of work.

Garth Carpenter was her mother’s fourth husband, each more prosperous than the last. She believed a woman needed a man to care for her, and Lucinda should quit her business and find that man.