Page 61 of Rhett


“Oh, no. You can’t leave me hanging. What happened?”

“You know I told Rhett about not being able to have kids—”

“Yes, and you said he was fine with it.”

Lucinda shook her head. “He’s not. I overheard him and Nate discussing having kids, and Rhett said he’d love to have them.”


“He’d love to have…his.”

“Is that what he said?”

“Not in so many words.”

“So, he didn’t say that. Cinda, you cannot jump to conclusions.”

“It wasn’t a conclusion. Nate said Rhett needed some rugrats of his own, and Rhett said he’d love to have them.”

Erin got to her feet. “You know, relationships are about communication and trust. Not just love. It takes all of that to stay with someone. This is when you find out if you found your soulmate.”

“Well, apparently, Rhett isn’t mine.”

“You’re wrong, Cinda. Rhett wouldn’t lie about it.”

“I have to get back to work.”

“Okay. I get it. But you’re mistaken, and you need to talk with Rhett. I can tell you’re hurting, and I’m sure he is too.”

“I know he is.” She looked at Erin. “He told me he loved me.”

“And you broke up with him?”

“He told me after. When he was leaving.”

“Cinda, you are making a mistake, but I can’t tell you what to do. I’ll take my lunch, then get back to work.”

Lucinda didn’t answer her. She knew Erin was angry with her. She was mad at herself.

Should she have asked him about what she heard? Would he be honest about it? She knew she had to talk with him. She touched the necklace he gave her, and a tear rolled down her cheek. No man meant more to her than Rhett. It would kill her to lose him.

“He loves you. Maybe youdidjump to conclusions.”

She left her office and returned to work. She had too much to do to call him and wasn’t sure she was ready to do that, anyway. With a heavy sigh, she’d wait a few days to get her courage up, but she knew she owed him an explanation. He deserved that much.

Chapter Seven

Two days later, Rhett rode the tractor around the yard, plowing snow. The snowstorm had passed, and the roads were clear. There had been no power outages, for which everyone was thankful. Most times, the ice storms caused power outages all over town.

He had to keep Cin out of his head. He missed her but would stay away if she didn’t want to see him again.

An explanation would be nice, though. He had no clue why she didn’t want to see him anymore. He thought they had a wonderful Christmas, and she liked his family. Rhett knew they liked her. What would go through their heads when they heard Cin broke up with him?

He wanted to take her out for New Year’s Eve, to a party for the twenty-one and over crowd in Spring City, but he never got to ask. Most of his friends go, and they always have a wonderful time. He supposed now he’d be sitting in the recliner drinking beer.

“And sulking. Don’t forget you’ll be sulking,” he murmured.