Page 53 of Rhett

Rhett looked at Cin to see her watching him. He couldn’t take his eyes off her because he knew. Right then, he knew he was in love with her.


As they sat around the kitchen table, Lucinda laughed at the banter between Rhett and Nate. They seemed close. She glanced around the table. Nathanial and Beatrice were as sweet as can be, and Penelope was fantastic.

Lucinda loved children so much, and when she shifted her eyes to Joshua and Krista, the twins, she couldn’t help but smile. They were so beautiful, with their dark hair and blue eyes.

She looked away from them and straight into Rhett’s eyes. They held for a few seconds. Then he winked at her, making her laugh. She winked back and heard him chuckle.

“How about we take this to the living room?”

“Sounds good, Dad,” Nate said as he stood, then helped his wife up.

“I’ll be in once I get this cleaned up.”

“Beatrice, we’ll take care of it. Won’t we, Cinda?” Penelope asked.

“Yes, of course. You sit down and relax. We’ve got this.” Lucinda smiled.

“If you’re sure…”

“Mom, they’ve got this. Come sit down.” Rhett led his mother from the kitchen.

Lucinda picked up the plates and took them to the sink as Nate picked up Krista, and Penelope picked up Joshua.

“I’ll be right back. I’m just going to put them down for a nap.” Penelope smiled at her.

“No problem.”

She rinsed the dishes off and loaded the dishwasher. She closed the door and turned it on as Penelope entered the kitchen.

“I’m so sorry. Joshua didn’t want to go to bed.”

“It’s fine.”

“Thank you.” Penelope tilted her head. “You’re the first woman Rhett has brought home.”

“I’m honored.”

Penelope laughed. “He’s a good man, like his brother, so please don’t hurt him.”

“I am going to try my best not to. I promise.”

“Good enough for me. Come on, let’s see what they’re up to.”

The week passed quickly, and soon it was Christmas Eve. This was Lucinda’s favorite time of the year. She loved everything about it—the spirit of the holiday, the shopping, the movies, and family.

She only wished her family were like Rhett’s. The twins were too young to understand what was happening, but that did not stop their parents, grandparents, and uncle from going overboard. They all sat in the living room, trying to put toys together.

“I can’t wait until next year. They’ll know who Santa is by then.” Penelope smiled.

“They’ll love all this, though.” Nate grinned.

Around eleven, Lucinda couldn’t hold back a yawn.

“I’m sorry, but I think I’ll head to bed.” She got up from the sofa. “I’ll see you all in the morning. I hope Santa is good to you.”

“I’ll be up in a minute, Cin.”