Page 48 of Rhett

Rhett placed his hat on his head, then shrugged on his coat.

“Thank you for dinner, Mrs. Carpenter.”

“Of course. We hope you come back soon.”

“Yes, ma’am. Have a pleasant time on your cruise. Merry Christmas.” Rhett touched the brim of his hat and looked at Cin. “Ready, darlin’?”

“Yes.” She picked up a few brightly wrapped gifts on the floor, handed them to him, and hugged her mother. “I love you, Mom. Be happy.”

“I am, honey.”

Cin nodded, smiled, and took Rhett’s hand. He led her to the truck, helped her inside the cab, and put the packages in the back seat. He was about to climb behind the steering wheel when he heard Garth yelling his name.

“Shit.” He looked at Cin. “Let me see what he wants.”

“Be careful.”

Rhett nodded and strode to the man.


“You can’t talk to me like that in my home,” Garth snarled.

“Well, I did. So?”

“I’m not afraid of you, Morris.”

Rhett chuckled. “Really? Take your best shot.” He spread his arms wide, then folded them and waited. When Garth’s fist came at him, he leaned back, and Garth missed. Rhett’s arm shot out, and he slammed his fist into Garth’s chin, making him drop like a ton of bricks. Rhett stared at him.

“Don’t ever touch her again, or we’ll finish this.”

He didn’t wait to see if Garth responded. He got into the truck’s cab, then shook his hand to ease the pain.

“Are you all right?” Cin asked him.

“Yes. I don’t think he’ll bother you again.”

“I think you’re right. I hate coming here.”

“I can see why. He’s a real piece of work. I enjoyed knocking him on his ass.”

“I enjoyed it too. He’s a pig. My mom doesn’t see a thing.”

“It’s her choice, Cin.”

“I know, but I thought she was smarter than that.”

Her stepfather was an ass. Rhett didn’t know what to say to make it easier for her. With a heavy sigh, he started the truck and drove them to her place.

He stopped the truck by the porch and shut it off. She hadn’t said a word since leaving her mother’s place. He touched her hair, and she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

“Aww, come here, baby.” He reached for her, and she slid over the console onto his lap. He kissed her forehead.

“Every time I’m there, he does that shit. I hate it. I love my mother, but I can’t go there, and I know I’m hurting her if I don’t visit. He’s such a…”

“I know. I’m sorry your mother lives like that, but she seems happy.”

“I suppose. I can’t go there anymore, Rhett. I just can’t.”