Page 45 of Rhett

“Turn here.” She pointed to a driveway.

“Damn,” Rhett said when they drove to the house.

“Yeah. Two people and this monstrosity.”

“Some people have to have the biggest house or fastest car.”

“Yes.” She sighed. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Cin? It will be fine. I’m a grown man. I’m not afraid of your stepfather.”

“I know.” She opened the door.

Rhett met her at the front of the vehicle, and she gave her hand to him. He took it, kissed her palm, and she led him to the door. It opened before they got to it, and Lucinda tried to smile when she saw her mother and Garth in the doorway.

“Lucinda, I’m so happy you made it,” her mother said.

“Hi, Mom.” Cin hugged her mother but stepped back when Garth tried to hug her. “Garth.”

“Introduce us to your man, Cinda.” Garth raised an eyebrow at her.

“Mom. Garth. This is Rhett Morrison. Rhett, my mother, Wanda, and her husband, Garth Carpenter.”

Rhett put his hand out to Garth, and he shook it.

“It’s nice to meet you both,” Rhett said.

“You too. Come in and eat. Oh, Lucinda! You brought gifts.”

“Of course, I did, Mom. It’s Christmas.”

“We have a few things for you too. They’re under the tree.”

“Thank you. I’ll take them with me and open them on Christmas morning.” She removed her coat and motioned for Rhett to take off his.


Rhett took off his coat and hat, hung them on a hall tree inside the door, and glanced around. It looked like a damn museum. Nothing out of place and probably not one speck of dust. He mentally shook his head.

“Dinner is ready, so let’s eat,” Wanda said as she walked along the hallway.

In the dining room, they all took seats at the table. Rhett took in all the food. Everything he could think of was in front of him. From lobster to thick ribeye steaks. How much did they think would get eaten?

“You went all out, Mom.”

“That was all your father, honey. He wanted us to have a delightful meal together before we leave tomorrow morning.” Wanda looked at Rhett. “We’re going on a cruise. We go every year.”

“Yes, ma’am. Cin mentioned that.”

“Cin?” Garth questioned.

“It’s what I’ve always called her.” Rhett shrugged, and he watched a smirk lift Garth’s lip.

“It fits.”

“Rhett is the only one who calls me that, and that’s the way I prefer it.”

Rhett clenched his jaw when Garth Carpenter laughed. He’d love to get up, punch the man, resume his seat, and finish his meal.