Page 30 of Rhett

Rhett leaned forward and lightly kissed her lips, and it felt as if he’d been struck by lightning. He pulled back to look into her eyes. Cin’s hands touched his cheeks and put her lips to his. He moved his hands to cup her face; then pressed his lips to hers and ran his tongue along them. She sighed and opened her mouth to him. He slipped his tongue into her mouth as he deepened the kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck. He lifted her onto his lap, and she moaned into his mouth. Her fingers raked through his hair.

Rhett leaned her back onto the couch and stretched out beside her. He leaned back and the next thing he knew, they hit the floor with her on top of him. She put her head on his chest and laughed. She raised her head and looked at him, and their eyes met. Tigger jumped around them, barking.

He rolled her onto her back, stood and helped her to her feet, then wrapped his arms around her, just holding her. She put her arms around his waist and her cheek against his chest.

“I’m not going to rush this, Cin. We’ll go slow and see how it goes.”

“All right.” She blew out a breath. “But if you hurt me, Rhett Morrison, I will take delight in removing your balls.”

Rhett gave a mock shudder, making her laugh then she frowned.


“Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, you’re not just being with me to get me into bed, are you?”

“Well, hell yeah, I’m going to try to get you into bed, but that’s not what this is about. I want to know you and take it from there. You might not like me once you know me.”

“I already like you, Rhett.” She frowned. “Where are your dogs?”

“Calder is checking on them for me.”

“Oh, good. Speaking of dogs, I need to make a trip to the kennels to make sure they have food and water. Want to go with me?”

“Sure, although I’d rather lay on the couch with you and make out.”

When she sputtered out a laugh, he chuckled.

“Let’s check the dogs first.”

“First? I like the sound of that.”

They put their coats and hats on then walked out the back door, and along the path to the kennels.

Once inside, she flipped the lights on and smiled when the dogs began to bark.

“How do you do this by yourself?”

“It’s not bad. I only have to make sure they have food and water. Most of them are the sweetest dogs.”

“Are you full?”

“No, only about thirty percent. This time of the year is usually people going away over the holidays. I have three dogs here that have been here since before Thanksgiving and won’t be picked up until after January first.”

“Wow. I can’t imagine being from Waylon and Willie that long.”

“I never asked but how did you come up with those names?”

“Those were their names when I adopted them at the shelter. I’ve had them since they were three months old and they’re five years old now.”

“They certainly love you, and thanks for adopting.”

“I’m a little attached to them.” Rhett followed her past the cages.

He smiled as he saw the dogs at the front of their cages, tails wagging, and eyes filled with hope they’d soon be set free.

“You miss your mommy, don’t you?” Cin bent at the waist to talk to one of the dogs.

“He seems happy though.”