Page 3 of Rhett

Lucinda shook her head. “And ruin a wonderful friendship?”

“Or make it better.” Erin winked and walked out of the office.

Lucinda stared at the doorway. There was no way she’d make a play for Rhett. He was a friend. Nothing more.

Pushing her chair back, she got to her feet, turned off the computer, and left the office. She entered the kennels to feed and water the dogs. She had just finished when she heard the lobby’s bell chime, alerting her someone had entered.

After flipping off the lights, she walked to the front and entered to see Sam leaning against the counter. He straightened up when he saw her.

“Hi, Sam.”

“Cinda,” he said and touched the brim of his hat.

Sam Garrett made many women’s hearts skip a beat, but the man was head over heels in love with his wife and local veterinarian, Tess.

“I’ll get Bo for you. I’m sure he’s ready to go home. He doesn’t care for being in that cage.”

Sam grinned. “Who would? It’s like a jail cell for dogs.”

Lucinda laughed. “True. Give me a minute.”

“Take your time,” he said and sat on the bench.

Lucinda went to the back where Bo was. The dogs boarded were separated from the grooming area. She liked to keep them separated, it was less confusing that way. She stopped before Bo’s cage, took the leash, and opened the door.

“Hey, boy. Are you ready to go home? Your daddy is here,” she said and laughed when Bo barked. “Come on.”

She led him out to the foyer, but when he saw Sam, he ran to him, jerking the leash from her hands.

“I think he’s ready to go home.” She laughed.

Sam kneeled and rubbed Bo’s ears. “Hey, buddy. You ready to go home?”

Lucinda watched as Bo tried to get on Sam’s lap.

“I don’t think he realizes how big he is,” she said.

“He thinks he’s a pup yet.” Sam hugged the dog. “Don’t you, boy?”

Lucinda watched as he pushed Bo out of the way, got to his feet, and walked to the counter.

“What do I owe you?”

She told him the total, and he handed her a credit card. She ran it, printed a receipt, had him sign it, and gave him a copy. Sam put it in his wallet, touched the brim of his hat, and headed for the door.

“Thanks, Cinda.”

“Anytime, Sam.”

“I think Tessa wants to get Whiskey done soon. She’ll call you and set up an appointment.”

“I’ll be here,” Lucinda said with a smile.

“Have a happy Thanksgiving.”

“Thanks, you and your family too.”

Sam nodded and walked out the door with Bo. Once he left, she locked the door, switched off the Open sign, and flipped lights out as she walked down the hall to the back entrance since it was closer to the house.