Page 28 of Rhett

“Are you sure you can do that?”

He raised his eyebrow. “Do you want to help me?”


Rhett chuckled. “I just thought if you’re so concerned, you could help me.”

“Go take a shower,” she snapped, making him laugh.

Rhett stayed in the shower, letting the water glide down over him. It felt good, but it would feel even better if Cin joined him. Had he ached for a woman this much? He couldn’t recall ever having this feeling towards any woman. He desired her and liked her. She was witty but attractive, from the top of her copper-colored hair to her sore toe. He guessed she was saying words that would make a sailor blush when that log hit her foot. He jerked when he heard her pounding on the door.

“Are you all right in there?” she yelled through the door.

“Why don’t you come in and find out?”

“Don’t need to now. You just answered me. Speed it up in there, Morrison. I’d like to have warm water for a shower later.

Rhett wrapped a towel around his waist, opened the door, and grinned.

“Why didn’t you say so? We could’ve shared the shower and saved water.”

“Just be careful in there. I’ll see you downstairs.”

“I’m sorry you had to come and check on me.”

“I had to get some other shoes.”

“All right. I’ll be down after I shave.” He closed the door.

Chapter Four

Lucinda almost ran down the stairs, but knew she’d fall and bust her ass. She sat on the sofa with her hands on her cheeks. She wanted to push him back in the shower and step in with him.My God!She’d never wanted a man this way before. It was driving her crazy. But she was scared to death. The thought of being hurt by Rhett made her cautious.

Lucinda couldn’t stop thinking about the drop of water as it dripped from his wet hair to his shoulder and chest. It traveled down his six-pack stomach and disappeared into the towel around his waist. She’d raised her eyes to look at him. Their eyes met and held, and his eyes dropped to her lips. Lucinda closed her eyes. He was so dangerous to her heart.

Life was full of chances, though. If you go through life without taking chances, you will experience nothing. Good or bad. No one enjoys being hurt or having broken hearts, but it’s a part of life. She’d just beaskingfor heartache though. When Tigger sighed, she laughed.

“Exactly how I feel.”

When Rhett entered the living room, she sat on the sofa in the living room with her laptop. He sat in the recliner and watched the TV then she heard him sigh.

“I didn’t mean to upset you, Cin. I was just teasing you.”

“You didn’t upset me, Rhett. I just don’t know what to do around you. We’re friends, and we have been for a long time. I’m not sure I can resist you if you keep putting on the charm.”

“Is that what I’m doing?”

“Maybe not intentionally, but you’re acting differently—”


She set the laptop on the coffee table, folded her arms, and stared at him.

“You said you’re attracted to me, and I’m not sure why.”

Rhett laughed. “Not sure why? Damn, woman, have you looked in a mirror? I am very attracted to you. I won’t deny I want you, but I also like you. I’d like to see where it goes, but I also understand if you don’t. I would never push you.”

“But why now?”