Page 27 of Rhett

She hobbled back into the room and handed him a glass of water, then opened the aspirin bottle, tapped out three, and gave them to him. After he took them, she pulled his head forward and tried to look at the cut on his head. She knew head wounds bled more, but she wanted to ensure he didn’t need stitches. It was just a minor cut. She straightened up. Rhett’s head was still on her breasts. She cleared her throat, but he didn’t move.

“You can move back now, Rhett.”

“Why would I want to do that?” She could tell he was laughing. She moved away from him. “Spoilsport,” he muttered.

She laughed, walked to the couch, and climbed under the blankets.

“You need a generator,” he murmured.

“I have one, but it’s not working. I need to get someone to look at it.” She yawned.

“Goodnight, Cin.”

“Goodnight, Rhett.”

He smiled as he closed her eyes and drifted off.

The following morning, Rhett stood at the stove and turned to face her when he heard her enter. She smiled at him.

“Good morning. That smells great. I’m going to change clothes. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

“Can you get up the stairs all right?”

“I crawl up them and come down them on my butt.” Cin laughed. “There’s no way I’d try crutches on stairs. I will get what I can and bring it downstairs, so I don’t have to use the stairs.”

“Good idea.”

“How’s your head?”

He looked over his shoulder at her. “Not too bad this morning. I’m going to get my truck out and head home.”

“No, you’re not,” Cin told him as she left the kitchen.

A few minutes later, when she entered the kitchen, she was dressed in jeans and a sweater.

“I wonder what time the power came on.”

Rhett shrugged. “Not sure, but I’m glad it did. I’m starving. Do you have a spare toothbrush?”

Cin walked to the coffeepot, added a K-cup pod, and pressed the button to brew. She then sat down at the table. “There are some extra ones in the hall closet upstairs. There’s also shampoo, toothpaste, and razors. Oh, and I like my eggs scrambled.”

“Then scrambled is what you’ll get.” He looked toward the door.

“There’s no way you’re leaving here, Rhett. There’s no problem with you staying. It’s still bad out, and it’s going to get worse. You try to leave, and I’ll tackle you and tie you up if I have to.”

Rhett laughed. “I’m not really into that, but if you want to try it, I’ll go along.”

“I’m not surprised. Men are such sluts.”

Rhett laughed as he carried a plate full of scrambled eggs and bacon to the table. He stood beside the table, waiting for her to sit, then he did, and they both dug in.

“You can cook breakfast for me anytime,” Cin said after tasting the eggs.

Rhett winked at her. “Deal.”

The house stayed warm with the power back on, but they watched more movies in the living room.

“I want to shower. I won’t be long.” Rhett stood from the couch.