Page 5 of Nitro

“Don’t….” Nitro mumbled.

“I’m here, I’m here,” she whispered, kissing his forehead.

“Don’t cry.”

“Okay, I’m sorry. No crying. They’re giving you blood, you lost a lot of blood, you were bit,” she strained, petting his face, and kissing next to his mouth.

“Alright, bud,” Patches huffed after a bit. “You should start to feel like a royal prick in a minute. You’re getting some of your Eveque in your crazy ass veins.”

“And you better not fucking waste it,” Eveque said.

“Fuck,” Nitro croaked.

“Shhhh don’t talk,” she whispered.

“Fuck is a great word for what we just witnessed, yeah Mon frier?” Eveque added as he helped administer the anticoagulant. “Your Bayou Bat Maiden kicked your ass, and everybody saw it, oui? These swamps will now be the most terrifying place on earth, thanks to both of you.”

Nitro nodded with his eyes closed. “Dieu, oui,” he whispered, his mouth tugging in a smile. “She did good.”

She pressed her lips on his face. “I didn’t do good,” she wept softly.

His hand moved along her head, and she took tight hold of it, pressing kisses all over the cool skin.

“So much for lighting it up at the Bayou Ball,” Bacon muttered, igniting her anger.

“He ain’t goin to noball!” she said, wondering how they wouldn’t know that. “He’s mine.”

Everybody around them laughed real big. “And I doubt anybody will be challenging you to a Bat-tie for it.”

She turned to the deep kind voice of The Seer and found him smiling at her like she’d done some miracle.

Nitro was smiling too as he pulled her mouth to his. “Iamallyours, Ma Petite Rebelle.”


Bishop swung his leg over Belle Noir, sitting on her wide leather mouth. “I’m getting ready to call Nitro,” he told 8-Bit on the phone. “We need to find out what’s behind these Drysdale’s generous offer, pronto.”

“I think I did. Or your Belle Eveque did.”

“What do you mean?”

“She came by with Mah-Mah when dropping off jewelry.”


“For the tracking bracelets.”

“Ah, oui, oui.” Bishop switched the phone to his better ear. “How’s the production coming with that?”

“I have a twenty-five-man team creating them as fast as we can. You still want them for all the children, oui?”

“I’d like the entire Hoard tagged, but we start with the most vulnerable for now.”

“Production speeds are two-hundred and fifty a day. I’m still recruiting able bodies to speed it up.”

“Any signs of that mole?”

“Not yet. But I have my drones combing the water ways for signs of enemy infiltration of the technological kind. Everything in me says Drysdale’s been at something for a bit, given what we’ve discovered.”