Page 5 of 8-Bit

Hearing she wanted it brought his mouth down to her upturned face. She closed her eyes, and he pressed his lips on her forehead for many seconds. “Tonight,” he promised, gliding his lips lightly. “I have swamp errands.”

He faced the forest, gripping the rail tightly when his lust fought to break out of that prison at the very bottom of his soul.

She turned and faced the woods too and they stood in silence.

“Can you wait for me here?” he finally asked, knowing she had obligations he’d agreed not to stand between.

“I mean…if I need to.”

“You don’t,” he said, not wanting duty anywhere near what he wanted to do. “Tonight needs to be about what you want, not what you think you’re obligated to do. If you don’t want to, then don’t.”

“I do want to,” she said, her words and voice soft silk along his desperate needs. “Doyou?” she dared.

Her fears cut through him, and he looked at her, their eyes instantly magnetized. During the silent seconds, he remembered all the layers at play. And at stake. “I want whateveryouwant, Petite Menou.”


Nitro’s adrenaline-rage tripled when Lesion entered the curtained square. He held his jaw together, knowing he was the only one who could fix whatever had gone wrong. He’d been tied to a fucking hospital bed, waiting for the symptoms to dissipate enough that he was considered safe enough to see Felix.

“Brother,” Lesion said, regret at the forefront. “I’m sorry.”

Nitro continued holding his tongue, needing to spit at him even while hearing the sincerity in his tone. He blamed whatever still had a hold of his blood, every so many minutes, a monster’s fury sparked as if hanging on as long as it could to its host.

“The latest tests show that your levels are nearly normal.”

“When can I see her?” Shards of pain lit up his throat from when he’d waken up tied, terror for what he’d done throwing him into a rabid panic mixed with fury.

Lesion stared at him, his regret stirring his anger again. “She’ll see you as soon as I leave. I wanted to explain some things to you.”

Nitro eyed him, not liking the caution in his tone.

“It’s about what she gave you. I didn’t tell her that…she overdosed you. She was already blaming herself and I’m willing to say I misjudged the calculation to prevent more damage to her psyche.”

New pain split his chest open and his breaths shook as he looked down. “Let me see her. Please,” he added, his grief sawing the word in half.

“Lukas, I will not stop until you are better than better.”

Nitro shook his head slowly at the bed. “I will always fear for her life now. You have no idea what it felt like.” He raised his gaze to him. “I loved…every second of it, Leandro.” His tongue moved in his mouth, watering at just mentioning it. “Right now…I can still taste her blood.” He pressed his lips together when that hunger sliced him. “I have never been addicted to anything. But I am,” he assured quietly. “I can’t imagine evernotwanting it. Or how I lived without it. What have I become?” he whispered, fear turning his breaths shallow. “And the sex,” he added, shaking his head, looking at him. “How will Ievernotneed to do that?”

Lesion lowered his head. “I will find a way to give you control.” He leveled his eyes on him after a few seconds. “You will get control. I can’t guarantee you will never have the symptoms you experienced but I can assure you I will find a way for you to master them. Control will change everything. I will ensure that these effects become your greatest assets.” Lesion stepped closer, urgency in his gaze. “Do you know why those bats didn't attack?” he whispered, eagerly.

Nitro held his stare, barely shaking his head even as he knew.

“You are their general now. And you will learn control because that’s who you are. And you will turn these things that feel like your greatest weakness into your greatest strengths. And weapons.”

Lesion’s excitement was not fucking shared.

“I had a couple more questions before she comes.”

Nitro didn’t move his stare from the bed.

“I’m trying to categorize the symptoms to determine which belongs to the bats and which to the human. And which may be a mix of both.” He raised his gaze, watching him as he came even closer. “The need to hunt is a universal primal instinct to both man and animal,” he said quieter. “But…I need to know what you were thinking and feeling during…mating. You drank her blood at the point of release, and I need to understand and discover a connection if there is one.”

“A connection to what?” he said, acid coating his tongue.

“To anything,” he said, his eager curiosity rubbing him ten kinds of wrong.

“I fucked her… in front of Seth,” he began. “And this very second, I want to kill him for seeing it. When I orgasmed, drinking her blood was not some sudden idea, it was part of it. I don’t ever remember not knowing her blood will always be required when I…” He glared at him then tore his gaze from his medicinal fucking stare. “I want it still,” he shuddered, realizing he was shaking like a drug addict having withdrawals. He closed his eyes, his jaw clenched and aching. “I bit her… so fucking hard,” he said, raising his gaze to his. “I could hear her every breath. I could smell her fear. Her arousal. And those bats,” he seethed, shaking his head at remembering. “They were afraid of me. They wanted to help her but couldn’t. Because of me,” he accused.