Page 58 of 8-Bit

“An air boat. Her name is Boo-Boo.”

“Oh, holy night,” she cried when he finally maneuvered them to a water road and hit the gas.

His deep chuckle filled the headset, rattling her as much as that engine on their ass. “Are we gonna survive this?” she yelled.

“If I’m not blinded by your hair.”

She glanced back as he dodged her whipping mane. She fought to gather it at the front then gasped, “My hat!”

“Fuck,” he muttered in her ear.

“I’m sorry, I was trying to get my hair out your face!”

“I should’ve stored it,” he said, turning the boat around so fast she squealed in terror.

“There,” she pointed, taking off the headset and undoing her seat belt as he slowed near the cherished keepsake. She lay on the edge of the boat, reaching. “Five more feet,” she called. “Three more. No!” she yelled as it slipped under the water. She lunged for it and went in headfirst. By the time she came up sputtering, Dr. Swamp had hands on her, yanking her back onto the boat.

“My hat!” she cried, glancing back. “That’s my mommas.”

“Really,” he muttered, removing his t-shirt and jumping in. She watched as he went on a rescue mission, diving under several times before coming up with it in his hand and swimming back. He set it on the boat, and she picked it up, offering her hand only to have him ignore it and pull himself up. He stood before her, and she eyed his massive chest and rippling abs. “Those… bruises should be looked at,” she muttered, shaking her wet hat. “Thank you. It’s my lucky hat.”

“Lucky?” He used his shirt to dry himself off and lifted a lid at the side of the boat, tossing it in. He reached his hand toward her, and she wondered what he wanted.

“You’re not holding it,” he assured.

Oh. The hat. She handed it to him, and he put it with his shirt and shut it then opened another one. He tossed her a brown towel and she caught it. “Thank you,” she said, drying her hair then upper half. She gasped to herself at seeing her white top was practically clear as glass! Bra showing for the world to see. She wrapped the towel around her chest and tucked it, then climbed back onto the highchair, feeling like a wet clown at a rodeo. She put the headphones back on.

“Seat belt,” he blasted in her ear, scaring theshitout of her.

“Can you warn me?” she cried, reaching for the damn thing and clicking it in.

“Tighten it. I’m not taking another dive.”

“Very funny,” she muttered, her pulse hammering. “I can swim just fine.”

“Good to know, Texas Tegan.”

She glared at him over her shoulder. “Anytime Dr. Dirty Waters.”

There went that chuckle again, rolling all over her like thunder in a coming storm.

Dear Jesus,bringtherains.


Cat looked all around for Ethan, worry gnawing in her gut. Where the heck was he? He said he was right behind her. The Eveque and his wife invited them to the Main House because Mah-Mah was throwing a Hurricane Party and The Twelve and blood family would be going. And whoever else in that Hatch needing shelter.

She just needed Ethan to hurry so she could tell him she was so wrong about what she’d said regarding his AI family. He’d all but panicked when she mentioned destroying that dungeon. At that time, she hadn’t realized it meant he’d be destroying the only family he’d had all these years. Poor sweetheart. Of course, they would find a way to cut out the evil without killing his AI angels. If he thought he had to do something so terrible, he’d be tortured right now. Which was why she needed to tell him.

She tried his phone one more time, getting the voice mail again. She opened the text box, hoping he saw it.Hey, wanted to tell you I was so very wrong to say you needed to destroy your AI family, of course we’re not doing that. We’ll find another way to remove the bad things without hurting the good. I love you so much. Please hurry.


Cat turned, seeing a beautiful woman in overalls headed up the Basilique steps. “I’m Beth, Sahvrin’s wife.”

She sucked in a breath. “The Belle Eveque? Oh my goodness, I’ve heard so much,” Cat said, smiling at how pretty she was.

“I’ve been excited to meet you,” she said, eyeing her with a huge, knowing grin before leaning in and whispering, “How’s married life going?”