Page 47 of 8-Bit

He shook his head at him. “What if I won’twantto fix it? When this… thing takes over…” He eyed both of them, his breaths shaking. “Idon’thate it. Iloveit,” he whispered, looking again at Patches’ chest. “I don’t remember anything,” he said. “I’m fucking…sorry,” he croaked, sick at what he’d done to him. “What…did I do to her? She’s wearing that sweater to hide it.”

“More biting and blood drinking,” Lesion said, his tone low.

“Oh, isthatit?” he grit, fury surging till he clenched his jaw. “How bad was it?” he had to know. “And why is she blaming herself?”

“She found the text I sent her,” Lesion said. “I tried to tell her it was my fault, I should’ve called and double-checked that she got the text and understood. I gave her the dosage over the phone, and she said she was writing it. I don’t know if she lost it or just forgot but none of that matters. If I could have lied to her and said otherwise, I would have,” Lesion assured. “The last thing I want is her blaming herself with everything else.”

“Right,” Nitro gasped at the ceiling. “Like her husband raping and mauling her in front of whoever wants to watch.”

“Here’s something else,” Lesion began, his eagerness making him want to bite his face off. “Her bites…seem to heal quickly. Unlike with bats, you create something in your saliva when you perform the mating ritual that allows for clottingandrapid regeneration. But with the bite you inflicted on Patches, it did not clot, it bled freely. It seems the chemical makeup in the saliva when you bite to kill and bite to mate are very different.”

“She tried to stop you,” Patches said. “No matter what she did to you—and she tried everything she could—you never hurt her.”

He closed his eyes. “She will never be able to trust me now. She’ll always wonder when I’m going to turn into an animal and start…” He shook his head. “Do what you have to. Right now,” he whispered, looking at Lesion. “How soon before I can get out of this bed, this fucking room? I need to be with her. I know that being away from her makes whatever is wrong with me a lot more wrong.”

“I’m going to put the implant in as soon as you eat.”

“I’m not hungry,” he snapped, not wanting to wait.

Lesion looked at Patches. “Then we’ll do it now.”

Patches nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. “The sooner the better, right? Kinda sick of looking at you. Plus, the hot chick from Texas who brought this equipment is stuck here for the Hurricane. She volunteered to help me, so I might need this basement to commit a little fornication.”

Nitro’s guts loosened at hearing the prospect of him with another woman. Like he’d been secretly suspecting him of making a move on his wife.

He was truly losing it.


Ethan wished he gave more of a shit about thingsnotCat related but until he understood the Seer’s words, he couldn’t function as a leader of anything. He was evilly thrilled to be done with the business of her brother and he sure didn’t need divine eyes to see the man needed a second opinion about his condition. With the advances in science, there was a high chance something existed that could help him. Her brother was taking Jason to their Hatche’s hurricane shelter so they were safe from the storm. His own Hatch was secured and ready. That left him and Cat and what the Seer said.

Arriving at his home, Ethan hopped out and helped Cat out. He realized he’d never once looked forward to going to any place he called home. But as he stared at her on the dock, his body and blood vibrated with an energy he could easily call happiness. She gave him that. He took her face in his hands and kissed her softly. He asked her around gentle nibbles, “What do you think the Seer meant by what God has joined together, let no darkness break it?”

Her lips spread under his and he moaned at the feel of her fingers sliding along his scalp into his hair. “I…actually think he may have married us right then.”

He paused, pulling up. “Seriously?”

“It’s what the holy man says when two are joined in marriage.”

That energy bubbled in his veins until it made him smile. He scooped her off her feet and cradled her in his arms, her laughter making that stuff in his body leap around. “That would make this our honeymoon?”

She nodded with a secret smile then leaned up and kissed him. The boldness sparked against his masochism like a match on flint as he pulled up. “I need my eyes to walk, sadly.”

She settled for kissing his neck as he hurried along the pier, wondering. “What should we do first?”

“Maybe have coffee,” she said, sounding giggly.

“Please say you’re joking.”

“So much,” she laughed. “I think you know what I want.”

His pulse jackhammered in his chest as he maneuvered through the side gate. “I’d rather not make guesses for this one. Are you giving me a hickey?” he asked as she moaned and sucked his neck hard.

“Yes, I’m marking my territory,” she whispered, her breaths hot as she moved to another spot and sucked again, making him groan.

“That feels fucking amazing,” he confessed, at the back door now. “Where’d you learn that?”

“From you.”