Page 46 of 8-Bit

He winked at Ethan then gave a blooming smile at Cat. “Cup of coffee before we head out?”


Nitro groaned, opening his eyes. He stared at a ceiling, his heart hammering hard and fast in his chest. Where was he? What was wrong?

He moved and heard metal clank. Looking, his breaths turned labored. Chained… “Hey…” he called, the word getting cut off as he coughed, wincing from the pain in his throat. And body. He lifted his head, panic filling him at seeing blood on him. “Hey!” he yelled, again choking on the agony in his throat.

“He’s awake!”

He jerked at the voice beyond the door. “Felix,” he called. “FELIX!”

“I’m right here, I’m here baby. Let me go get Patches.”

“Fuck, what happened?” he gasped. “What is this blood?” he croaked, panting then succumbing to a violent round of coughing.

“Lesion and Patches are coming.”

“What did I fucking do? What did I fucking do!” he roared. “I need to see you.” He jerked on his restraints, biting down on a sudden rage. “Felix, what did I do, what did I fucking do?” he begged, tears burning his eyes. “I hurt you, I fuckingknowI did, I can…tasteyou,” he strained, gasping for air as agony ripped his chest open.

“I’m going to kill him,” he swore, his saliva turning acidic and bitter. “I’m going to kill Lesion for doing this. No, no, no, don’t cry baby, fuck. Please.”

“It’s not his fault,” she sobbed at the door. “It’smine!”

“No! No, it’snotyour fucking fault.”

“He texted me the dosage,” she wailed. “I never even saw it. I was too busy…I was too busy…I don’t know what I was even doing,” she cried, her broken heart bringing a sudden biting fury that made him pull on the chains till he roared and thrashed.

“I need to see you!”

His breaths bellowed out in half growls as the sound of clanking metal outside the room reached him along with other voices. They’d had to lock him in. Chain him to the fucking bed. What had he done?

The door opened and he jerked his head up, panting, spotting his wife behind Patches and Lesion. “Felix.”

She pushed through the two and ran to him, kissing him right on his dirty mouth. “What happened?” he barely whispered, moaning at the feel of her. “What did I do? God, I’m so thirsty.”

“He needs water,” she said over her shoulder, her anger bringing pricks to his skin as she returned to kissing him with a delicate tenderness. It brought a helpless rage to be free, to touch her like he needed, like she needed.

“Felix, would you go get Nitro a water while we talk to him?” Patches asked.

She nodded, her tears falling right on his face. He leaned and kissed her before she pulled up. “I’ll be right back,” she whispered, wiping her tears off him.

He realized she wore a long sleeve, high neck sweater and knew without asking it was to hide what he’d done.

He waited for her to leave before he demanded, “Tell me what happened, don’t fucking lie to me,” he growled.

Patches moved next to him and his gaze dropped to the bruises covering his chest.

“Oh fuck,” he whispered, his gaze shooting up. “What happened?”

“You had another episode,” Lesion answered, moving next to him.

He looked at him. “I thought I wasfuckinggetting better?”

“I don’t know what happened yet. But we found equipment that will allow us to monitor your levels in real time. If I know your levels, I can prescribe the antidote to bring them back to normal within seconds.”


“I would implant a biometric device under your skin. It comes with a program that monitors whatever I input. When your levels get unstable, I’m alerted. 8-Bit will write a program that allows you to monitor yourself and administer the required dosing of the antidote, allowing you to live normally until I find a permanent solution. And I’mveryclose. I currently have every antidote to counter all your current symptoms. We just need to be able to administer them before these imbalances become dangerous or until you learn to naturally control them.”