Page 44 of 8-Bit

He took in a huge breath and released it.

“Alright,” she fussed lightly, “don’t need to get huffy, I’ll shut up.”

He took another hit off his joint, counting the seconds.

“Just so you know, I’m volunteering for hurricane assistance if it’s needed. I’m capable if I’m shown what to do.”

“Two seconds.”

“What’s two seconds.”

“How long you went without talking.”

It was her turn to suck in a huge breath and let it go. And to his shock, they sat in silence. And for the entire fifteen minutes, he went about figuring out what the hell he was supposed to do with her while she was there. She was an unlikely volunteer, but the swamp never judged a helping hand. So, neither would he.


Would be the first time Ethan had uneasy feelings meeting their Seer. But it felt like the entire world could easily see the war happening in his guilty pores. His worst fears were realized when he couldn’t stay aroused with Cat. At the last second, his body yanked it all away.Not so fast, Loverboy. Where’s my pain?

But something else happened. She happened. He’d bared his evil addictions, and she took it like the angel she is. From that moment, he’d had a new war. The one that got what it wanted but this time it wasn’t so much what as it was who. His addiction was bad before it was worse now. It didn’t just want pain it wanted herandpain and it wouldn’t hear of any compromise. Without trying, fantasies ensued. He knew exactly what she looked like wearing black leather. Exactly what she would do when she punished him. There was only one thing he didn’t know and that was what it wouldfeellike. It was now the utmost piece of critical information to his existence.

He eyed Cat hurrying down the pier, his sick hungers front and center. Her strength was becoming its own appetite and his mind already thought of ways to exploit it. She was now his defender. His warrioress. His heroine wrapped in silk. Fuck, to have her punish him…there could benogreater pleasure.

He took her hand and helped her in the boat. He directed her to sit in the seat before him where he could reach her. “You ready for this?” he asked when she faced him.

“As I’ll ever be. You nervous to see the Seer? Cause I sure am,” she volunteered.

He leaned till his mouth was next to hers. Her warm breaths turned instantly erratic. Yes. There was something delicious about this effect he had on her. He kissed her softly, feeling the shape of her lips with his and her arousal erupted. He pulled back, refusing both of them as the fire continued to burn. Denying himself pleasure was the one form of pain he had control of. And giving her pleasure while his body begged to join her was another. One she loved and hated.

He studied the other anomaly to his lusts. That sweet, shy smile she wore after he kissed her. Somehow, helovedthose with an equal ferocity as his other kinks. Like vanilla and chocolate. Could they be mixed? What would that taste like? And her innocence. That was a cherry sitting on top of it all. He was sure it was meant to crown whatever the fuck would become of them.


Cat swallowed, wondering how those stomach butterflies managed to find their way into her throat. Was all him. Heaven’s sakes he was too beautiful. She wasn’t sure why she was nervous about seeing The Seer but if she had to guess, she worried he’d see all the dirty things she thought. What if he saw all her ideas to help Ethan? She didn’t know if they were wrong, but they seemed like they might be. Only, considering Ethan’s situation, she felt like there was an exception to be had. If her husband needed something sexually, what was so wrong in providing it?

She was terrified about that answer. And she really wanted to ask Ethan again if there wasn’t some…safe way to do it. Was like asking the drug addict if there was a safe way to do drugs. Of course there was. I do drugs safely all the time. Nobody dies. Until they did.

It suddenly seemed vital to talk to him about her idea. She didn’t want to keep things from him, that was not the way to a trusting relationship. She eyed his profile, loving how the wind blew his hair back. He had such a strong forehead. A strong everything. “So, I was thinking,” she said over the hum of the motor.

He turned and looked at her. “What were you thinking?”

Lord, his look and tone said he knew it was about sex. She moved her hands along the thin yellow dress, focusing her thoughts into the most convincing argument.

“Oh boy,” he said when she took a bit.

She laughed then said, “Don’t shoot it down till you hear me out.”

“Right,” he muttered, moving his gaze back to the passing forests.

“As your wife, I’m a help mate. Right?” He only grinned and she hurried on. “And that is God’s divine way, not mine,” she added with innocent hands up. “For better or worse, through good times and bad, thick and thin,and,” she added, shooting a finger up, “through sickness and health.” He smiled at the trees, and she hurried on. “Scientifically, masochism is considered a kind of disease or sickness, and God says I’m supposed to help you through that.”

He turned and looked at her. “What do you want to do?” he demanded, seeming ready to know.

“I want to give you what you need, that’s what I want to do. I can learn. You can teach me, you said so.”

“Fuck,” he muttered, lowering his head. Soon his chest moved like he struggled to breathe, and she reached out and grabbed his arm.

“Hey,” she called, getting his tormented gaze on her. “Breathe, Ethan. It’s just a question, you can say no.”