Page 23 of 8-Bit

“And doesn’t even realize she has it.”

“The night I found her, I was hunting miles away and something lured me there. It was her. She was calling for help and I was led straight to her. Same thing happened the second time.”

“This girl’s got serious angels around her,” Samuel marveled, getting his adamant agreement.

“Definitely not devils. But then so do you.”

“What do you mean?”

“You weren’t the only one holding on to me. Cherie was too. I saw the power threads going from her to you to me. Like a web.”

“She never left my side except to feed me.”

Ruckus remembered. “There was also somebody especially powerful that I couldn’t see, always just behind me. They had hold of my mind, somehow covering it and helping me hide.”

His son let out a breath and whispered, “That wasGracie.”

Ruckus stared at him, dumbfounded as he considered that seeming impossibility. “That’s why she isn’t fazed with my darkness.”

“Has to be. I’ve wondered the same. What hides their gifts from us, I wonder?” his son puzzled.

“Whoever is guiding them knows it must be hidden for a reason,” Ruckus was sure.

His son eyed him. “What else did you see?”

The question brought a cold blood-lust that watered his tongue. “I saw him. Lazarus. I know where he is. I know how to reach him. But he’s not alone. We need to strike him while his forces are scattered.”

“What forces?”

“I saw thirteen of them. Very powerful. Not sure who they are or where they’re from, but they’re here in this swamp. But we defeated them.” He gripped his son’s shoulder. “You needed an army, and you have one. Though we’re few, together we’re more powerful. We need to make damn sure our little angels are hidden and protected.”


Cat was dangling by a burning thread, waiting for his first question. Her body was doing shameful things she’d never imagined capable. And she was being brassy with him, but she had no choice. Her mind interpreted him as some kind of threat in a corner which always gave her a crazy fearlessness. And thank the lord, because becoming an embarrassing virgin puddle on the floor wasnotwhat she wanted to be around him.

“Would you like another orgasm before we begin?”

Her mouth hung open and she was stuck in his gaze, breathless.

“Seems you need more practice with those.”

This snapped her out of her stupidity. “Did I…do it wrong?”

A laugh escaped him, and he eyed her, grinning. “Not at all. But you’ve only had one.”

Was there a number you were supposed to have before you were…ready for the next whatever? “How many uh…is required?”

Great she was being stupid judging by his chuckles and lowered head.

“Well, Itoldyou I don’t know anything,” she accused, fighting her shame.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh at you. I just find your…inexperience a lot of fun.”

Not helpful. She crossed her arms over her chest, pressing her lips together while doing that brave eyeballing thing at him. “Since you’re not gonna ask me a question, maybe you can answer some of mine.”

He stared at her, his eyes moving to her chest then lower, sending her heart between her legs.

“What aboutyourorgasm?”