Page 3 of 8-Bit

Okay. Wow. “Glad to hear he knows he has choices and picked the right ones.” She remembered the other stuff he said. “Can you remind me what…extended foreplay might uh…involve.”

“In the context of Tantric intimacy mixed with Dark Triad elements, a strategic utilization of emotional intelligence and manipulative finesse would be used. This could manifest as playing subtle power games or setting challenges, all designed to enhance sexual tension and emotional bonds.”

Holdona hot marsh minute! Where in the world did all this fit in with theemotional-sex-is-for-losersEthan he’d introduced her to? How many times was the wordemotionsused in all she’d just heard? She considered thatdark triadstuff. No denying the hellish mix of dread that brought to all the other holy-hot-stuff, leaving her dazed, hot, and little terrified.

Shit, her timer was running.

She flew into dressing action then froze. “Nobody can see me, right?” she whispered.

“There are no cameras on in the personal spaces of the home,” Big G whispered back.

On? Did that mean they had them? Lord, this was all crazy. Like one of them sci-fi movies she sometimes heard about. Now she had to eat while digesting all that stuff she’d learned about him. While seeing him. Lord-n-lunacy that was gonna be a job all by itself.


Ethan again rejected the temptation to ask Big G what was happening with Cat. They’d agreed to let this run a natural course. AL agreed he’d remain out of it in the initial stages while Ethan learned what he could the old-fashioned way. One on one. Dating, as Big G fondly, maybe proudly called it.

But it was the other shit AL brought up that had Ethan on edge. Dark Triad and Dungeon were apparently explosive trigger words for his celibate cock. The last time he’d felt this much arousal was before the days he’d done a forced-system-shutdown on himself. And repeatingI’m not that man anymorewasn’t doing a damn thing to stop the visions that were burning a hole in various places in his body. There had only beenonewoman who had ever been perfect for his sexual appetite, and she’d destroyed him with that perfection.

And now Cat.

His body erupted in flames as his mind again watched her in orgasm. Holy fuck. She wasmoreperfect. Easier to mold and shape and manipulate. But dabbling in that darkness brought a terror that rivaled even his lust. One wrong move, one slip next to those murky depths, and he would drag her to the bottom of that quagmire. He’d ruin her. Without remorse or regret. That’s how those lusts worked. Once they were engaged, nothing turned them off outside of his own death. And he sure as fuck didn’t want to face that death twice.

Keeping their relationship sex-free was definitely no longer in the cards. But how long could he play in that paradise before The Dungeon’s dinner bell commanded he bring her into its dark communion? Then render her unrecognizable once pain and pleasure feasted off one another in their sado-masochistic mayhem.

As a member of The Twelve, his obligation was to protect women like her from sexual predators. Even andespeciallyhimself.

His phone buzzed and he looked at it, finding Big G bending the rules with ethical style..She’s coming.

Adrenalin put him on his feet only to realize he had no reason to be. He sat back down at the small table for two on his back deck then decided to wait at the rail wrapping it. Already he was nursing her weaknesses, wearing only his black flannel pants after his shower. She was oblivious to her arousal when she looked at him and he could hardly wait to see it, now that he’d given her an orgasm.

The door opened and he turned. “Morning,” he greeted, watching her tear her eyes from his body and move them to the paradise behind his home while he devoured her in cut-off shorts and a perfectly fitted green t-shirt. And barefoot. Fuck, she had cute feet.

“Morning,” she hurried, her smile blooming at the view. “Wow! Look at this place, Ethan! You’d never think this was back here judging by the front.” She eyed the table. “I sure hope there’s bacon under those dishes and I didn’t just dream it.”

She gave his body a good three second raping that detonated a heat bomb in him. He glanced at her ass when she turned to sit at the table, hating the shorts weren’t more fitting. Her plain jane body was supposed to be part of his defense and now it colored his lusts a darker shade of hell.

He lifted the cover from her breakfast, watching her smile while dressing her up in his every fantasy. “How’d you sleep?” he asked, eyes riveted as she prepared to devour his breakfast. He was at the edge of his mind as his Petite Menou took her first bite. Fuck.Anotheraddiction. He realized that simple little mouth was now his. Delightful doorway to cute swamp sayings and wisdom that rivaled philosophers. How would it look filled with his cock?

She put her hand over the x-rated visions in progress. “Please don’t,” she muttered with a shake of her head.

“Sorry,” he lied, looking off to the right while keeping her in his sights.

“Your bed is amazing,” she said around her food and hand now. “But your spaceship prowling the floor nearly took me out on the way to the bathroom.”

8-Bit’s laugh erupted at that as he looked at her, finding her with a big grin, mouth still full. “It’s set to work after hours. I’ll reschedule it.” He was dying to know her real thoughts about everything. “So…what do you think of me now?”

She raised her innocent eyes, and the morning sun revealed the truth of their color. A mix of gold and mossy green with specks of brown. “What do you mean,now?” She filled her fork up and he liked that she had an appetite and didn’t hide it. “I might kinda wonder if you’re real.”

She devoured her forkful and he could only watch and smile, contemplating what she’d meant. He moved his gaze to the forest, giving her eating privacy. “You mean, am I human?”

She nodded a lot with a small laugh. She was teasing and had no idea what that did for him. He couldn’t remember the last human he’d had that kind of interaction with.

“I think so,” he said, clasping his hands behind his head and catching her staring.

“I see you…like showing off your muscles.” Another bite disappeared in her mouth.

“Not usually. But…theyareyours to look at.”