Page 15 of 8-Bit

“I would want to go see the equipment in action first if that’s at all possible. If it’s what I need, I’ll drive it back down myself.”

“If I’m going to help you set it up, I’d take it in my truck.”

“Okay,” he said. “Exactly what all does the equipment do.”

“It feeds your animal’s biometric data to a computer. You set what sort of readouts you want, and it gives it real time, twenty-four seven. We had a bat epidemic about five years back. Flock of rabid ones got a hold of our steers and decided to use them as a feasting ground. We lost fifty head of cattle, and half a million in profit. Lot of good this gear did, couple weeks after tagging our stock, those ugly sonsabitches all left for whatever reason. My father is selling the ranch and I’m blessed with the task of finding a buyer for everything, seeing as I’m not much into that lifestyle anymore. I’m opening a business for a line of cowboy boots and this sale would go to that venture.”

Patches paused, considering all that information. “Well…since you’ll be here, you may as well check out the alligator surplus. I have family here that would likely be happy to make some kind of trade.”

“For alligator skins?”

“For alligator anything,” he assured.

“You with these Bishop people I’m looking at on your page?”

“I am.”

“Are yall like a family business?”

“You could say that, yes.”

“Well, ain’t that somethin,’” she said, like she’d hit the jackpot. They both had so far. “When you comin have a look, then?”

“Tomorrow, if I can.”

“Alright. I can call J-J over to meet with us here. He’s just my daddy’s hired hand. ‘Parently I still need babysittin’ and defending.”

And clearly she disagreed. He imagined a twig of a thing chewing on hay with a huge cowgirl hat on her too tiny head. “Yeah, that works. I’ll be coming alone if that’s okay.”

“Suit yourself. J-J’s plenty capable. What time you thinkin’ of coming?”

“What time’s good for you?”


He considered that. “Sounds good. Where are you exactly?”

“Thirty miles from Waco. When you’re ready to ride, call and I’ll give you exacts. Work for you?”

“Yes ma’am it does.”

“Alrighty then. Message if you have anymore questions before that. Thank you Mr. Patches.”

“And thank you, Miss Tegan.

Patches pushed off the wall and made his way to the bathroom. Two miracles in one day. First Ruckus, then this. He hoped they continued on through this hurricane coming. He hoped even more that they wouldn’t need any.


Ethan let off the gas on the boat at seeing Cat’s name on his phone. He was already headed back. “You fell asleep in the tub or what?”

“No, I fell in the damn bayou is where I fell. I found your fishing poles in that shed and thought I’d like to throw a line in while bathing, maybe have fresh fish for you to cook me. I swear to high heaven I tripped on a blade ofair,tried to catch my balance, and took a plunge.”

“Are you okay?” he asked, hitting the gas again.

“I’m fine, other than too gross for a lavender bath. I used your shower, I hope that was okay. Big G helped and it’s a good thing too, there ain’t a single damn handle or anything in that thing,” she cried like it was outrageous.

Fuck, he couldn’t wait to see her. “I’m ten minutes away.”