Page 9 of 8-Bit

“I’m afraid that answer would violate Ethan’s directive for staying out of it.”

Right. “And if I ask, he’ll know we’ve been talking,” she also realized. “I don’t want to get anybody in trouble but…I need to know things. I’ll try to find a way to learn my answers without ratting on anybody.”

“We hold your concern in high regard with much appreciation.”

Huh. “AL too?”

“Yes. AL too.”


Ethan couldn’t believe all the shit that happened in the twelve hours he’d been with Cat. “He’s still at the hospital?” he asked Bishop.

“Yes, and Felix. Mostly she’s there because he is. They moved her bed in the basement with his, last I heard.”

“What about Samuel’s dad? They know what’s wrong with him?”

“Other than he’s in a coma, no fucking clue. Samuel refuses to leave his bedside. Keeps saying he has to hold his hand. I don’t know what that means but seeing him like that gutted me. A son terrified to lose his father. Again. I’m sure you can relate.”

“I’m sure I can’t,” he was positive. “Thankfully, I lost the ability to feel anything where they’re concerned. I have as much emotion for them as I have for a paperclip.”

“I know what it’s like to need to kill things. But it’s also messy and can deaden the parts you may need later.”

Something about that felt true for Ethan and he almost asked for details. Maybe later. He remembered his reason for calling. “You mentioned mandatory classes for The Twelve. I’m ready for the resources required for that. You mentioned…physical things.”

Ethan usually enjoyed hearing his Eveque laugh but not in regard to this. He took a breath, waiting for him to finish.

“So, you’re already there, are you?”

“Just want to see what’s coming so I can plan for it.”

“Oui, oui, and that’s very important. I think I heard my Belle Eveque say she will be emailing things to those who have that capability. Would you like the material delivered like this?”

Hmm. That would mean Big G and AL would see it. “Is there a physical copy I can borrow for now?”

“Oh, you can also order a copy,” he remembered. “Ours is a bit…worn.”

“Oh,” Ethan said, his disgust coming through which put Eveque in hysterics. “You sound like a man needing a lot of comic relief.”

He finally caught his breath with a dramatic, “Ouuuuuiiiiii!”

“Maybe Belle Eveque can print a copy for me. My printer is being stupid.”

“I’ll let her know immediately.”

“Thank you.”

“Mmhmm. Done.”

“Oh, you already did it.”

“Oui, mon Pierre,” he barely chided. “I have your back, I told you this. And where is your lil menou now?”

“Waiting for me at my home,” he said, ready to get that reveal out of the way.”

“The Hack House?”

“No, my actual home.”