Page 55 of 8-Bit

Cat heard growling under the bed and leaned, her pulse jackhammering. “Oh God,” she whispered. What…what was that? Some…kind of animal, doing something to his penis with its mouth. It wasbitinghim!

“I told you to be still!” The woman flew into a rage and Cat stood frozen in horror as she went on a whipping rampage, the straps flying faster than humanly possible, blood appearing on his thrashing body. “Not real, not real, not real,” she gasped right as Ethan’s roar ripped her heart right from her chest.


“I’m stopped,” he gasped, removing that evil helmet from her head. “It’s over.”

She stared at him, looking for signs of what happened, a sob gushing at finding nothing. “You…youyelledand I thought…”

He pulled her in his arms and hugged her tight. “Shhh, it wasn’t real.”

“But youscreamed. It was…she was hurting you forreal. You said it wasn’t real,” she gasped.

“They’re not really doing it but everything I’m attached to is designed to make it feel real.”

She gasped, looking at him. “You could…feelthat? What theydid?” she strained, sick to her stomach, looking around. “I want to leave, I need air.” The final word came on a huge sob, and he hugged her again, walking her out.


Ethan watched Cat, dread growing in the pit of his stomach with her every pacing step and tear-filled mumbling. She was sick and disgusted. Horrified. Mortified.

“Talk to me, please,” Ethan quietly begged finally.

“There is…alotto unpack here,” she explained on a gasp, wiping the tears that seemed to never stop.

There was only one thing he wanted to know. “Are you leaving?”

She didn’t come to an immediate halt but when she did, his muscles locked up at the perturbed look she wore. “Leaving?”

Like she’d never heard the word. “Are you leaving me now,” he clarified.

She drew back like he’d slapped her. “Leaving you? You think I’dleaveyou…because ofthat?” she strained, pointing in the direction of his Dungeon. “Is that what you think I’m made of, just…one bad experience and I’m running off andleavingyou?”

Fuck, her anger had never felt so good aimed at him. “It’s a lot for anybody to take if you’re not used to it.”

She suddenly faced him, her small frame moving with her breaths. “I willneverget used to that.” She paced again, her words stirring equal portions of disappointment and excitement. She pointed at the wall again. “That…isnotokay. Andwhydid you choose awoman?What the hell was that thing under the bed?”

“I chose a woman for an example.”

She let out a huge, dry laugh. “That…bitch,” she grit, fury twisting her face. “Howdareyou let awomantalk to you that way much lessdo thatto you!” she yelled. “I willnever,” she growled at him, “ever… be okay withanywoman, not arealone, not afakeone, not a fucking paper-doll one oranything,” she went on, her hands spreading “sayordothoseevilthings to you!” She jerked away, back to pacing and now Ethan was too, his Dungeon addictions clashing with his Cat ones, both gearing up to fight.

She suddenly gasped and came to a stop, staring at the air before her. “That’s it,” she marveled.

“What’s it?”

She looked at him. “It’s been nagging my mind since I walked out of there. What the Seer said.”

“Which part?”

“About removing the false idol blocking the path or we will never reclaim the lost land.”

He eyed her, shaking his head, not getting it. “There is no lost land to reclaim.”

“All of that stuff in there, Ethan…it’s fake. It’s artificial. It’s not real, nothuman,you said that yourself.”

He paced now, agitation riding his skin.

“The only way for you to reclaim what’s lost is to remove thatoutof your life.Completely,” she said right at him.