Page 38 of 8-Bit

She snapped her eyes forward when he turned, not wanting to get caught drooling. She realized he was done and smoothed her hands on the blanket, aiming an innocent smile at him as he dropped next to her. Dripping with water. And sex. Jesus, she wantedhimfor dessert, not stupid chocolate.

“There’s enough for you if you want to rinse off.”

Her panic hit her. “I…uh…”

“I know how not to look.” He angled his gaze at her. “Unlike you.”

Her jaw dropped and she smacked his shoulder, only for her hands to drag along the wet muscle. “You’re…still wet.” She snatched it back and looked at the fire.

He liked looking at her, she remembered. She wanted to ask if he wanted her to shower. Was there a reason he wanted her clean?I’m going to eat this pussy.Ooookay, that was somewhere on the sex horizon because she had no doubt he intended to do it. And lord, she wanted it. But…dammit!Damn her bald vagina!

“You don’t have to,” he said, grinning.

“I was…considering. I showered before coming. Right before. I didn’t really get that dirty, I’m a…pretty clean fisher. I’ll wash my hands though.”

He got up and started doing something. The chocolate, she realized, once her gaze made it past his rippling muscles, again wondering how she was going to get her hands on those without making everything weird. Some way to hide the sexual side of it. Or mask it. They’d been playing around that fire all day like two teenagers playing strip poker. Oh shit. No, they didn’t have cards. Spin the bottle? No, that was all sex.

She needed something…

Truth or Dare!

He returned to the blanket with her cup and sat, stirring it. “Ready for dessert?”

“Ohhhh yeah,” she mumbled all weird, wondering how she would even suggest such a thing.

He presented her with a spoonful and she leaned.

“Careful it’s not too hot,” he murmured.

She hesitated, poking her tongue in it then sipping it from the spoon. She barely caught his grin as her eyes lowered over his body, stopping for a terrifying second at his bulging penis in his underwear. She faced the lagoon and cleared her throat. “When my brother and I were young, we’d uh…play a game called Truth or Dare?” She squinted at him. “Ever hear of it?”

He brought the spoon to her mouth. “I have,” he said softly. He wiped chocolate from her mouth and sucked his finger. “What were you? A dare devil or a truth angel.”

“Truth angel,” she laughed. “But my brother had a rule. After three truths, you had to pick dare. My dad found out he’d dared me to grab a gator’s tail and got so mad he forbid us to play again.”

“Did you?”

“Touch the tail or play again?”

He smiled. “Both.”

She winced. “Yes and… yes.”

“Really,” he muttered, sounding maybe surprised, maybe impressed. Maybe something else.

“Okay, this is way to slow for me.” She took the cup from him and downed the rest of it, cleaning the mess with a single swipe of her tongue.

He stared at her mouth, his expression slowly going serious before raising his gaze to her. “Truth or Dare.”

Oh shit. “You…want to play?”


“Truth,” she said, fighting to act unfazed by his sudden serious mood.

“Do you like me?”

Her heart pounded. “Yes. I do. Very much,” she added, realizing she’d be asking the same thing. “Truth or Dare.”