Page 37 of 8-Bit

Oh God, she loved him flirty. Every time he made her laugh, it put this amazing smile on his face, and she was becoming addicted to the exchange.

“I’m hungry!” she announced. “And ready for a break.”

“Mon Dieu, there is a God.”

“You’re hungry?” she cried. “Why didn’t you say so?”

“And miss out getting my fishing pride crushed by you?”

She hurried to their camp area before he tried to hog all the work. “Since I’m the amazing fisher, I’ll fix the food.”

“And you have to feed me,” he reminded.

“Yes,” she said, smiling and thrilled about that. To be able to stare at his mouth was all the payment. He had the sexiest mouth on the planet.

“And I get to feed you dessert,” he said, adding wood to their little fire.

“Fine,” she sighed, as she uncovered the dishes and loaded a plate with food. “You can spoon feed me hot chocolate.”

“Mmm,” he said, making her tummy flip at the sexual sound.

God, she knew something was coming. It had been building up all day and it was closer than ever. “I’m not a sexy eater,” she said, digging for more of his compliments.

He chuckled and she aimed her grin over her shoulder. “Well, your mouth is entirely unaware that it has raunchy sex with its food.”

Oh God, her rule for not laughing obnoxiously loud had long been out the window. But he seemed to love them so no regret. She went next to him and set the plate of food down and opened up a napkin, tucking it in his shirt.

“You plan to make a mess?”

She gave a giggle. “I know how to feed. The question is, do you know how to be fed.”

“I see. Well, hurry, I’m starving.”

She grinned for the first five bites, reaching out and wiping food from the corner of his mouth. Without warning, he leaned and sucked her finger, stealing her breath and brain cells. Oh mercy. His tongue was a show by itself.You want me to lick you right here.

She set the fork on the plate, and it toppled right out. “Shit,” she whispered, glancing at him and catching his sexy grin. “That’s your fault.”

“You don’t like getting your finger sucked?”

All her brain heard was suck and finger and getting it. “I’m not used to it. Never said I didn’t like it.”

“Eat while I make your dessert.”

“I sure will,” she said, hungry after smelling his food. He was an amazing cook. “Did you take culinary classes or something?” she wondered, watching him heat water at the fire while she let her mouth have raunchy sex with her meal.

“Self-taught mostly. And an amazing app.”

She nodded, shoveling another forkful into the sexpot. “All my recipes are scribbled. On these little…index cards,” she said around a mouthful, gathering the last of it onto her fork. “Mmm. One more bite for the raunch factory.” She devoured the entire thing in one go, grinning at his gorgeous laugh.

He turned, presenting his backside then removed his shirt. The sight of his tattooed, tan muscles stole all her smiles and dang near her food from her stomach. His pants suddenly went down next, and she swallowed down the food creeping back up her throat.

“Gonna wash all this fish-fun off me.” He made his way to their supplies and pulled out that water tank with the hose she’d seen and wondered over. That was ashower?

“Well…ain’t you fancy,” she muttered, her gaze devouring his near naked body.

She snuck peeks at him while he showered in his underwear, the size of his bulge indicating he was aroused. Probably as much as she was. Would he make a move or what? She didnotlook forward to those logistics after all the embarrassing half-assed ones. Half because it was only ever her and never him. The why of that was gradually changing in her mind, especially after spending the day getting to know him. He was the sweetest man under his scary exterior. Was it possible he was…nervous? Lord, he didn’t act nervous when he did the things he had. What if he was nervous for the other way around? Her doing something to him? She considered his past and those addictions. She wished she knew more about that to know which direction to go or not go. She didn’t want to say or do anything to cause him any kind of…triggers.

But how to find that out without pressing random buttons? She remembered the marriage classes the Belle Eveque was requiring. Thank the lord for that angel. But that didn’t help her now. She glanced at him, rinsing his hair, her lust at full throttle wishing she was the water licking down his body like a whore on a hotdog.