Page 19 of 8-Bit

“Of what?” he asked, still whispering.

“Of…seeing what kind of woman he wants. That I might not be.”

“You are already the woman he wants. He’s merely dressing you for that part now.”

She looked down at her overalls. “Cause dressing like a man ain’t exactly pretty?”

“It has a certain bayou charm.”

She snickered. “Ethan taught you how to lie nicely?”

“I merely present the data that I’m given and learn from it.”

“Yeah?” She peered in the first bag, sucking in a breath. “And who’s feeding you this data?”

“Ethan does.”

“I knew that, it was a sarcastic question. He didn’t teach you sarcasm?” she wondered, pulling the first red things she spotted out.

“I leave the sarcasm and funny business to AL.”

“Oh my, look at this dress,” she squealed, putting it up against her. “Oh God, please let it fit. He wants me to wear the red one.”

“While I cannot see it, given the data I have of you, I believe it will look lovely.”

She smiled and sat, looking up then left. “Thank you. Now, if you don’t mind, I need a little privacy to change.”

“My eyes are closed tight.”

She busted out in quiet laughter. “You make jokes?”

“I can.”

“I thought you weren’t like AL?”

“Jokes and what AL does is not in the same universe.”

She dropped her jaw with a laugh. “I won’t try to trick you into telling me what the heck that means but Iwillfind out. I plan to make Ethan tell me.”

“I’m rooting for you.”

“Can you lock the door?” she wondered.

The sound of the lock engaging sent her giddily scrambling out of her swamp clothes and into the beautiful red summer dress with the crimply top that served as its own bra. How convenient.

She dug around through all the clothes, looking for panties. None. Did that mean he didn’t want her to wear them or didn’t want her to because she normally didn’t? Obviously, the purpose of panties were different when married. Weren’t they? She dug through the second bag and found the truth of the matter. Ten to be exact. “Look how many panties!?” She snatched up the red lacy pair, her heart thrashing like a trapped gator as she put them on.

Remembering the wall mirror in the bathroom, she hurried to it, staring at herself. “Oh wow,” she whispered, turning left then right. “It fits!” she squealed, yanking up the dress to check the panties next. Her excitement turned rabid at the sight. She stepped closer to the mirror to see what her private parts looked like or if you could see it at all. Her stomach churned at not only seeing it but seeing what she’d done. Earlier, she’d dared to ask Big G about whatsomemen liked for a woman to do sexually and theshaveone had shocked her. She had to ask the questions many ways to clarify he definitely meant removeallthe hair from down there.

‘Till it has no hair like a… three-year-old vagina?’

And when she’ddoneit. Oh. Dear. God. She was ready to run away at what that looked like. Abaldvagina. It wasawful.Andso weird looking!She ended up tricking Big G into telling her that Ethancouldhave been one of the men in that bald-vagina-loving scenario. God, she prayed she hadn’t tricked him into the wrong answer. He didn’t always mean what she thought he did, and she’d behorrifiedif it turned out he thought it was disgusting like she did.

Sheturned to see what her butt looked like, remembering why she hated panties as she dug the delicate material already lost in her cracks and crevices.

Heat pummeled her at remembering the way he’d stared at her down there. Pretty sure he’d liked it. Hope he liked her in the panties. And dress. “I kinda wish you had eyes Big G,” she whispered, swallowing.

“I kind of wish I did too, Cat.”