Page 52 of Because of You

If she showed up at the ball, she was scared that Keaton would think she was being a stalker or something. Did she want to go? Sure. Any chance to see Keaton again was a chance she wanted to take. But she absolutely could not.

“Please, pretty please with pumpkin spice on top,” Sabrina begged. “What’s the point of having my best friend down the hall if she won’t come and support me when Ineedher?”

“You’re laying it on a little thick,” Avery grinned.

“It’s because I miss you and I haven’t had any time for us to hang out because this show runs twenty-four hours a day and I just want my best friend there if one of the ladies at court has a meltdown.”

“I have a lot of work to do.”

“No, you don’t,” Sabrina stated flatly.

“Yes, I do.”

“No, you don’t. I mean, I’m sure that you have work youcoulddo but it’s nothing thathasto be done right now.”

Crap. Maybe Sabrina did still possess the power to read Avery’s mind like she had in college. “How do you know what my workload is?”

“Because you’ve been twisting your hair.”

Had she? Avery lifted her hand and sure enough, there were two thick portions that were clumped together from being twisted.

“You only twist your hair when you daydream, and you only daydream when you’re all caught up with homework. Or, in this case, regular work.”

“Fine.” Avery checked the time and stood up. “But I have an appointment in an hour.” Her first meeting with Anne Perkins, the therapist not the character onParks and Rec, was a Zoom call, so she’d have to be back to her office by then.

Sabrina clapped her hands and cheered, “Yay! If we’re not done filming, you can just sneak out.”

They left the office, and as they walked down the hallway, Sabrina turned toward her. “Oh, I heard you got stuck on the roof last night.”

“Where did you hear that?” Avery’s cheeks flushed at the mention of the roof. She hoped her very perceptive friend did not pick up on the sudden blush.

“Chuck told me he had to go rescue you at three in the morning.”

“Oh, yeah. He did.”

“What were you doing up there?”

Keaton Savage. “Um, I was just looking at the stars, trying to clear my head, and the door got locked. I texted my mom to come get me. But she didn’t see it until three a.m. because she’d fallen asleep on the couch watching Housewives.”

“Did you see Keaton when you were up there?” Sabrina asked.

Avery’s head spun toward her friend. Did she know something? No. She couldn’t. If she did, she would have busted down Avery’s door and demanded the details. Sabrina didn’t really do subtle.

“Why would I have seen Keaton?”

“He snuck out of the men’s holding last night. Chuck was actually looking for him when your mom found him to come let you out. When he got back from walking you and your mom to the carriage house, Chuck said he went back to check on the door and saw Keaton going back to his room.”’

“Oh, really?” Avery replied, not sure what else to say but trying to sound surprised but not comically so.

“Did you see him?” Sabrina asked her again, this time she definitely suspected something. And why wouldn’t she? Avery hadn’t exactly nailed the innocent act.

“There you are!” Gavin rushed toward them. “We have acode red?”

“Who?” Sabrina asked.

“Lance, he wants to do more improv with the scripts. Apparently, he started doing standup.”

“Standup?” Sabrina repeated.