Page 40 of Because of You

It had been four days since she’d run into him and Zara in the hallway, and the look on his face was seared into her mind. He looked…guilty. At first, she was imagining his reaction to seeing her, but then when she walked past him, he mouthed sorry.

Sorry.Why was he sorry? What could he possibly feel guilty about? What were they doing in that bathroom that he felt he had to apologize to her?

He didn’t owe her anything. They were nothing. More than nothing. They hadn’t seen each other or spoken in almost five years. They’d only spent two weeks together.

Sure, those weeks had been the best weeks in her entire life, but that was beside the point.

So why did he look so sheepish when she’d run into them and then silently apologize?

Normally, she wasn’t a jealous or paranoid person. The last ten years that she’d been getting cheated on and she’d been completely oblivious was proof of that. But her mind had been obsessing over what the two of them could have been doing in the bathroom.

She wanted to believe that it had just been a kiss, but would he apologize if it was just a kiss? It had to be sex. That’s the only reason he’d say sorry.

Not that he had any reason to apologize to her even if it was. He could do whatever he wanted with whoever he wanted. Still, the look in his eyes had haunted her.

Avery was busy silently overthinking when Sabrina got a text. After she read it, she opened her mouth in a silent scream and mimed throwing the device on the floor and smashing it with her heel.

“Good news?” Avery asked flatly.

“Gavin and I are butting heads again because he keeps wanting to push the boundaries of what I think is ethical for our cast’s mental health, but hey, what else is new?” Sabrina sighed and flopped back in the chair. “I don’t want to talk about it or me or the show. Tell me about you. How areyoudoing?”

“Okay. Jude is going to be in Chicago for work, so he’s picking Jacob up in a few days.”

“If he’s working who is going to…” The realization of who might be watching Jacob dawned on Sabrina. “No.He is not bringing the nanny he banged.”

“He is. But, honestly, I’m okay with that. Celeste is really good with Jacob, and Jacob loves her. I’d rather it be her than someone else.”

Sabrina shook her head. “You are a much better person than me.”

“No, I’m not.” Avery sighed.

“Yes, you are. You are a fucking saint.”

“I don’t think nearly marrying a man who I wasn’t in love with qualifies me for sainthood.”

“Whether or not you loved him is irrelevant. You didn’t have an open relationship and you caught him balls-deep in your nanny on your wedding day. Most people would freak out, whether they loved the person or not. That’s betrayal. It’s disrespectful. It’s disgusting.”

Avery hadn’t really thought about it like that. She’d just been so relieved that he’d made it so easy for her to walk away.

Sabrina’s phone buzzed again and this time she didn’t look like she wanted to smash it on the ground. “Oh, they're doing the mud pit challenge. Let’s go watch!”

“No.” Avery was not going to cave this time like she had for the first impression mixer.

The last thing she wanted to do was go watch Zara and Keaton competing in games together in real life. It was bad enough watching them on TV. Which, of course, she had because how could she not?

“Come on, please! It will be fun! You need to get out of the office!”

Sabrina walked around the desk and grabbed Avery’s hands to pull her out of the chair.

“No,” Avery insisted, tugging her hands away. “I’m too busy.”

Sabrina looked at her, then got a small grin on her face as she tilted her head to the side and declared, “Yahtzee.”

“You can’t call Yahtzee,” Avery protested.

“Yes, I can. I haven’t called Yahtzee this year.”

“You haven’t called Yahtzee intenyears,” Avery emphasized.