Page 55 of Because of You

At first, Avery thought Anne’s hypothesis was far-fetched, but the more she thought about it, the more it actually made a lot of sense. And it explained why she’d felt so obligated to stay with him after she got pregnant. She literally wanted to make sure Jacob didn’t have the same father that she’d had. Her way of doing that was to get married to him, which was why she’d said yes.

Anne also pointed out that although most people wanted to right the wrongs they’d had in their childhood with their own children, it didn’t really work that way. Jacob’s childhood would never be anything like hers because Avery was his mom. She was present and gave him unconditional love. Those were two things Avery had never had from a parent.

The session had given her a lot to think about, and they hadn’t even scratched the surface of Avery’s life. She’d already made her next appointment and was really looking forward to getting Anne’s take on the Keaton Savage situation.

“Dad’s here!” Jacob ran into the front room.

The knot that had been in her stomach all day doubled in size as she tried, and failed to close the suitcase. She sat on top of it and tried to zip it between her legs. It wouldn’t have been overflowing if Jude hadn’t extended his trip by ten days.

“Do you have to go to the bathroom?” Avery asked, knowing if he didn’t go now, five minutes down the road, he’d be saying he needed to stop.

Jacob shook his head no.

“Why don’t you just try,” she said as she struggled with the zipper.

His shoulders slumped and he sighed before turning and walking into the bathroom.

“I take it his highness has arrived,” her mom observed as she walked into the front room. “Isshewith him?”

“Mom, it’s not her fault.”

“Well, sugar, it’s notnother fault. She knew that man was engaged to get married. Hell, she acted like your friend and looked after your baby.” Her mom said as she walked over and easily zipped the suitcase close.

“How did you do that?” Avery asked.

“Years of practice, darlin.”

Avery lifted the case and walked out of the carriage house just in time to see the driver open Jude’s door. He stepped out, looking the castle up and down. Avery had asked him, on more than one occasion, to come and see the property, but he’d never had any interest in it. Probably because it had nothing to do with him.

That was a new standard she had for any relationship she was ever in again. Avery would never settle for a partner who wasn’t interested in her life. Also, even though her relationship with her mother wasn’t conventional, she was still important to her. Jude never made any effort to get to know her mom. She didn’t think he’d ever had an actual conversation with her.

She’d made excuses for him for the first five years of their relationship since her mom hadn’t lived in California, and they only saw her a few times. But these last five years since she’d not only lived in California, she’d lived in their backhouse, and he still hadn’t.

It was strange, as she observed him clearly judging the castle and finding it lacking, he looked different. It hadn’t been that long since she’d seen him last. When they’d been together, she’d gone months without seeing him.

But now as she studied him, he seemedlesssomehow. Not so much in stature, he still stood six foot two and still had an athletic frame, but just his presence. His being. For so long, she’d thought of him as magnetic, but now he was just common. Ordinary. Nothing special.

“Hi, Avery.”

Avery turned and saw that Celeste had gotten out of the SUV.

“Hi,” Avery greeted her with a warm smile.

No matter what her mom said, when Avery looked at Celeste, she just saw a naïve young woman. She’d only turned twenty, three months ago. When they hired her, she’d been a teenager. Yes, she knew that Avery and Jude were engaged, but Jude could be very persuasive. Avery was sure he’d told Celeste that they had an arrangement that he could see other people, which apparently was what he thought they had.

Celeste took a step forward toward Avery, her nervous energy was palpable. “I just wanted to say, I’msosorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for,” Jude cut her off, stepping beside her and wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her against him.

Celeste’s gaze dropped to the ground.

Avery ignored her ex. “It’s fine, Celeste. Really.”

“Celeste!” Jacob exclaimed as he rushed past Avery.

Celeste bent down and Jacob ran into her arms.

“Hello, Jacob,” Jude said as he touched the top of his son’s head.