Page 48 of Because of You

He still couldn’t believe it was only two weeks that they’d spent together. When he thought about it logically, it seemed like a short time. But emotionally, it felt like a lifetime.

They’d spent every second from the time they met together until the day she left. Thankfully, it was before anyone in town knew him, and since she was overseeing the renovations of the castle, they’d spent ninety percent of their time there and not in town.

If that same relationship happened today, it would be front page news. If they took a walk around the lake in the morning, he could guarantee that parents would be asking him about who she was in his afternoon classes.

As he walked up the steps of the keep, he knew that subconsciously he’d probably come here because it reminded him of Avery, but it was the only building that had roof access and it did have the most beautiful view of the town, the lake, and the sky.

If any place could cure his claustrophobia, this was it.

When he opened the door and walked out, he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. He was counting to ten when he heard someone shout, “Wait!” a second before he heard the door shut behind him.

He opened his eyes and saw Avery getting up from the ground.

“Avery,” he said her name, not really believing that she was there, in front of him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as she rushed past him and pulled on the door but it didn’t budge.

“The door, it gets stuck. I’ve been up here for four hours.”

“Four hours?” he repeated.

She turned around and slumped against the door as she nodded. “I came up here to look at the stars and when I went to leave, I pulled on the door and it wouldn’t budge. When I realized what happened, I texted my mom to come and get me, but while I was waiting for her, I laid down and fell asleep.” She motioned to the blanket that she’d been lying on.

“So, we’re stuck up here?” he asked.

As soon as he said that, her entire demeanor changed. Her cheeks flushed and her breathing grew shallow as she licked her lips. “Yep. We’re stuck.”

Keaton’s timing with Avery had always been bad, but maybe, just maybe, this time, it was perfect.


“I wantedto kiss you today. Down by the lake,” Keaton lifted his hand and cupped Avery’s face. The pad of his thumb brushed along her bottom lip leaving a trail of tingles in its wake. “I want to kiss youright now. And I don’t know what to do about that.”

Avery wasn’t sure how to respond to Keaton’s statement. She’d wanted him to kiss her, too. But if they’d thought their situation was complicated before, this was an entirely different level of complicated.

Even if he’d only agreed to be onFairytale Loveas a favor to his niece, and his partner’s feelings weren’t genuine, that didn’t mean that they should act on what they were both feeling. She had Jacob to think about now. And up until a couple of weeks ago, she’d been engaged to the father of her child.

The con column of her Why This is a Bad Idea mental Word doc had a laundry list of reasons below it. But none of them overruled the singular reason on the pro list.

Shewantedto kiss Keaton Savage.

She wanted to kiss him more than she’d ever wanted anything in her life.

She wanted to kiss him more than she wanted to breathe.

If one of them was going to be strong, it wasn’t going to be her. She was powerless against the attraction and affection she felt for Keaton. There was just too much chemistry between them, too much history of her wanting him, missing him, needing him, and loving him to ignore.

She could feel the need, the desire, the desperation radiating off of him. It mirrored what she was feeling.

In one final attempt at being rational, Avery managed to say, “Don’t we have a conversation to finish?”

There were things to say, things that needed to be discussed. She had no idea when they’d get a stolen moment of privacy again. It could be weeks. It could be months if he stayed on the show. And with Zara as his partner, she was more convinced than ever that he would make it to the finale.

“Yes, we do,” he conceded as he rested his forehead against hers in resignation.

Her heart sank at his concession. She loved that Keaton had a level head, that he was measured and controlled. But deep down, she’d hoped his passion for her would override his logic.

“But…” he continued, and her entire body lit with anticipation. His voice was deep and gravelly as he confessed, “I want to taste you, to feel your soft lips pressed against mine, to lose myself in your kiss so bad I can’t think of anything else. Needing you is all-consuming. It’s driving me crazy.” His hand slowly slid back to the nape of her neck. His hand flexed and the tips of his fingers pressed against her skin. The pressure sent shockwaves of pleasure vibrating through her. “Youdrive me crazy. I want you, Avery. I want you here, now.”