Page 28 of Because of You

But he couldn’t stay cooped up in the north tower. He was feeling claustrophobic being constantly surrounded by people. His aunt was right. He needed his social hibernation recharge. And he was hungry.

Dinner was buffet-style and he’d been last in line. By the time he made it to the front, it had been seriously picked over. He knew that they had craft services set up in the restaurant, but since Vic and Harlan who had formed an unlikely bromance had gone down to raid it before bed, Keaton doubted there was much left.

The one good thing about having to stay at the castle was that he knew there was another kitchen in the back connected to the ballroom. He wasn’t sure what it would have, but he hoped there was something there he could whip up. He walked down the east wing and headed to the back stairwell.

He was halfway down the steep steps when his senses were overwhelmed with the scent of pancakes. Someone else must have had the midnight munchies. When he hit the last step, he heard a sound of laughter that transported him back six years.

It was the first morning he’d met Avery and after they’d gone to the vet, returned Muffin aka Mojo to Mrs. Campbell and had breakfast at The Drawbridge Diner, they’d gone for a walk around the lake. They were about an hour into the stroll when Keaton started walking backward in front of her so he could look at her as he talked to her. That’s how desperate he was to keep her in his sight, he didn’t want to take his eyes off of her. He’d seen men do it before in the movies, but he’d never actually done it himself before or since. He found out why it was more of a cinematic move than a practical one.

After just a few steps, he’d tripped over a stick. All of his life, he’d been coordinated, athletic, and light on his feet. But, for some reason, this day, he was none of those things. He tried to stop his fall by reaching his arms out and flailing them in circles in a failed attempt to regain his balance. His effort was pointless and he fell flat on his ass. The entire thing felt like it happened in slow motion but was probably only a second long.

As soon as Avery made sure that he was okay, her head fell back and she started laughing. He didn’t blame her. The windmill arms definitely put his fall into cartoon-slipping-on-a-banana-peel territory. Through her laughter she apologized for her reaction, but there was no need for her to, because he was as far from offended as he could be. Her laugh was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. It was a melodic representation of pure happiness. He’d fall on his ass every day for the rest of his life to hear her laugh.

He heard the same sound now, and once again, it washed over him like a cool breeze on a hot day. His breath grew shallow knowing he’d see her again. Today, when they’d spoken in the courtyard, he’d had the biggest urge to lean down and kiss her. The only thing that had stopped him was that Jacob was there. If her son hadn’t been drop-kicking Vic, there was a very good chance Keaton would have made a fool of himself. He had no self-control when it came to Avery. It was dangerous. She was dangerous for him.

As he stepped into the kitchen, he saw that he was safe. Jacob was seated at the island, so there was a buffer for his self-control.

He smiled at the kid. “Hey.”

“Mr. Keaton!” Jacob exclaimed as he hopped off the stool and launched himself at Keaton. Thankfully, his reflexes hadn’t taken a vacation like they had on the morning walk around the lake, and Keaton easily caught him in his arms.

As he held Jacob, he looked up at Avery and his heart swelled in his chest. She was wearing a faded, oversized UCLA shirt and blue sweats which should have hidden her curves but didn’t. Her hair was piled on top of her head revealing the sexy slope of her neck, and she had flour on her face.

She was adorable. Sexy. She was every fantasy he’d ever had come to life.

He smiled. “Hi.”

She blinked at him like she was coming out of a trance and her face turned bright red. “Hi, um, sorry were we too loud? Did we wake you?”

Keaton walked over and set Jacob back down on the stool he’d abandoned. “No, I couldn’t sleep.”

As soon as Jacob’s butt hit the chair, he grabbed his fork and took a big bite of the pancakes, which Keaton noticed were shaped like Mickey Mouse.

Of course, it was nearly midnight and Avery had made special pancakes for her son. She was fucking perfect. Being a single mom had to be the hardest job in the world, hell, being any parent had to be the hardest job in the world. But it was clear from how well adjusted, bright, and funny Jacob was that Avery was doing an incredible job.

“Do you want pancakes, Mr. Keaton?” Jacob asked as he chewed his bite.

Before Keaton could respond verbally, his stomach answered for him. As if on cue, it growled louder and deeper than Mojo ever had.

Jacob’s eyes widened, and Avery laughed again.

Keaton grinned, “Apparently, I would. If there’s enough.”

Avery’s eyes sparkled. “There is.”

He noticed her hand was shaking as she slid the spatula under a couple of the pancakes on the stack and put them on a plate. As she did, he reached over and brushed the white powder off her cheek.

The moment the pad of his thumb brushed along her soft skin she sucked in a shaky breath and her eyes closed. Yeah, he would have definitely leaned down and kissed her if Jacob wasn’t there.

But he was.

Keaton pulled his hand away and showed her the bottom of his thumb. “You had some flour.”

“Oh.” She reached up and wiped her face with a towel.

“Keaton! There you are!” Keaton turned and saw Heather, who had been nicknamed the “lord wrangler” because she was tasked with making sure the men were where they were supposed to be at all times. “I’ve been looking all over for you. Youcan’tleave your designated area.”

Everything inside him wanted to tell Heather that he was quitting the show. He wanted to stay in that kitchen and eat pancakes with Jacob and Avery more than he’d ever wanted anything in his entire life, including his three world championship wins.