That had never happened. She had met plenty of guys who would make more money than Kye, but she’d never met one that made her forget him.

She slid her arms around Kye’s waist, liking the fact that she could take that liberty. Instead of pulling away from her, he leaned into her, nuzzling the hair at her temple. “I kept tabs on you through Carson. I’ve always cared about how you were and what you were doing.”

“Oh.” She felt a shivering sort of happiness at his words. “When did you realize I still had feelings for you?”

“When you kissed me back just now.”

“Only just now?” She had been sure it had been there on her face every time she looked at him today. It was the reason she hadn’t wanted to meet his eyes.

“Yes, although I realized I still had feelings for you as soon as I saw you sitting in your car trapped by my cattle.” He smiled lazily. “You make an appealing damsel in distress. I had to call Lisa and tell her not to come.”

Elsie might have made a comment about that, and not one that showed much sympathy toward Lisa, but Kye kissed her again. This one was soft, gentle. One that said they had time.

“So,” Elsie said when he finally lifted his head, “I guess you’ve stopped worrying about Carson ripping out your entrails?”

“You’re several years older, and I know for a fact that Carson is busy right now.”

Kye took her hand, and they walked slowly back down the hallway. “We’ve got some more dancing to do, things to discuss—like when you’re coming back to Lark Field again.”

“I really should start coming home more,” she said. “Maybe every weekend.”

“And I’m pretty sure I’ll need to go to Missoula on business trips a couple of times a month.”

“I might be able to find a job here after I graduate.”

He ran his thumb over the back of her hand. “If you can’t, I’ll hire you myself.”

“As a ranch hand?”

“Don’t knock it. The job comes with perks. You’ll be able to wrap your boss around your finger.”

“Sounds tempting.”

He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it softly. “Good. I plan to tempt you a lot.”

“A job on your ranch…” she said, mulling over the idea.

“Come back,” he said. “Stay where you belong.”

It was a familiar request. This time she was going to listen to it.

* * *

Wantto read the first chapter of Olivia’s and Carson’s romance?

Keep scrolling for that and the Author’s note and dedication. (In which I valiantly try to defend myself for writing a story where a student kisses her teacher. No, I don’t think this is a good idea, and every time I read a news story about a teacher and a student’s inappropriate relationship, I too, am creeped out. But read on for my reason.)


Chapter 1 of A Longtime (and now NFL player) Nemesis

Back when Olivia Travers was eighteen and so newly graduated from high school that her dreams were still intact, she’d uttered the words, “I’m glad I’ll never have to see Carson Clark’s smug face again.”

Turns out, she’d spoken way too soon.

Because now, her younger brother, Matt, was asking her to do just that. He’d texted her several times during the afternoon asking her to call. Sometimes he forgot that teachers, even art teachers, couldn’t just drop everything to make phone calls. High school students didn’t do well without supervision, and if she so much as turned her back on a few of them, they’d be flicking paint at each other. The little darlings. Bless their overly hormonal hearts.

She planned to call Matt on her way home. He texted her ten minutes before school ended.I need to talk to you. It’s an emergency.