A pause. “What do you mean?”

“I’m outside of your house like a stalker.”

“You are not,” he said, but his voice sounded hopeful.

“I can tell you’re home because I see your fancy rich-boy truck parked in your garage. You really shouldn’t have garage doors with windows at the top if you want to keep stalkers away.”

She heard the sound of his footsteps running down the stairs. He flung the front door open, and with his phone still pressed to his face, looked toward the garage, When he saw her, he grinned.

“Surprise,” she said.

He slipped his phone into his pocket. “You came.” He strode over, his gaze running over her. “What about teaching school?”

“I’ll tell them they’ll have to get a new teacher. They won’t be happy, and they’ll think I’m flakey and irresponsible. Fortunately, my family has already set a precedent of being flakey and irresponsible, so they won’t be all that surprised.”

“Not true. No one thinks you’re like your family.” He pulled her into his arms and gave her a quick kiss. “I’ll donate some money to the school so they won’t be angry about losing you.”

She wanted to tell him he didn’t have to try and solve her problems, but he kissed her again and that seemed better than talking.

They stood in the porch light, his hands on her waist and hers wrapped around his neck. It was every bit as good as the big-screen welcome she’d hoped for. When his lips left hers and made a trail of kisses across her cheek, she murmured, “I love you.”

“Good. Because I love you too.” He’d said the words so easily, and she realized she should have known it before. He’d told her through his actions often enough.

His mouth returned to hers, eager, happy, and they didn’t speak for some time. She would learn to love Denver because she loved him. She meant to say those words when they stopped kissing. But when he finally lifted his head, she was back to thinking that he shouldn’t have to donate money to the school because she’d left. Then she thought about all the programs the school struggled to fund and said, “I guess the school could always use extra money.”

He smiled and shook his head. “What do you think about when you kiss me?”

“Kiss me again, and I’ll tell you.”

He laughed and did.

* * *