“It would appear so, yes.”
Ricardo didn’t answer right away. “Any particular reason why?”
“None that I’m going to share. What do you need?”
“I finished tiling the other shower and noticed that no one was around.”
“I let everyone go early. I thought they told you.”
“They didn’t.” Another pause. “To each his own, man. I’m not judging you for whatever you do after we leave every night.”
“Thanks,” Carson said stiffly.
“But you know you can’t use the other showers until after we grout them, right?”
“I know.”
“Do you want to take a look at the tiling I did before I leave? If you want changes, I’ve got to make them before they set.”
“Sure. I’ll take a look at it.”
He shut the door and the two men’s voices grew fainter. Olivia waited until she didn’t hear them anymore, then fled the bathroom for her attic room. Sanity had returned, bringing along self-recrimination.
What had she just done? She’d pretty much thrown herself at Carson—in a shower of all places. If she was honest, she hadn’t even kissed her last boyfriend with that much passion, and she and Carson weren’t dating. They weren’t a couple. And now, now he was going to think that she was easy and just like all the other groupies who chased after football players.
Carson and she were going to be alone up here every night. What would he expect her to act like now?
Well, the two of them were just going to have to have one of those define the relationship talks. A talk in which she would have to ask a guy that she’d already made out with if they even had a relationship.
She changed out of her wet clothes with an ever-growing sinking feeling. Because of course she already knew the answer. Once Carson’s foot healed, he would go back to the life he’d already started, back to celebrity status. Football players dated women who were models or athletes, not small-town art teachers.
Carson stood in front of the bathroom shower with Ricardo for what seemed like a very long time. His wet jeans were cold and dripping water created a puddle around his feet. He ignored it the best he could and tried to answer Ricardo’s questions about tile placement. When that was done, and Ricardo headed out for the day, there was no sign of Olivia.
She’d no doubt gone to change her clothes. He retrieved his things from the bedroom and headed to his house to do the same. He felt ridiculously happy. It had been a long time since he’d enjoyed a kiss that much. It had been a long time since he’d been so captivated by a woman. As he walked, he sent Olivia a text.
Do you want to go to dinner in Lark Springs?
She answered back.Sure. We should talk. I can be ready in twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes was good. It had always taken Megan an hour to get ready.
He’d forgotten about her, and technically the two of them hadn’t broken up. He needed to take care of that. He wrote to Olivia, telling her to come over when she was ready, then opened a text thread to Megan.
Hey, it’s pretty clear that the two of us have been over for a while, so I just wanted to make it official.And because he was in a good mood, and no longer feeling bitter about her desertion he added, I wish you nothing but the best and know you’ll find someone else who can make you happy.
She probably already had. He tucked his phone in his pocket and went to his house.
The entire time he dressed, he relived that kiss. Who would’ve thought things could change so quickly and completely between them?
He’d clearly been an idiot in high school. When she’d given her presentation for her service project, he should’ve seen it for what it was and found a way to support it. At the very least, he should’ve listened to her apology instead of walking away from her. If he’d been less self-absorbed, everything might have been different between them.
No, that wasn’t exactly true. Olivia had been right when she said he’d had a type in high school. Not necessarily only cheerleaders and homecoming queens, but definitely not honor society girls. He hadn’t wanted to date smart girls. That way he didn’t have to feel bad about his owngrades.
The honors girls intimidated him. He’d been afraid they would see right through him and look down on him. The problem with that method of dating was that he’d ended up with a lot of shallow and boring girls.