Page 73 of Miami Confessions

“You hated him.”

“That’s not a question,” I said with a smile, trying to diffuse the tension, but Ella wasn’t amused.

“When did that change?”

“I—um—I’m not really sure. I guess once I realized he wasn’t the person that was portrayed in the media. He’s not the stuck up asshole he seems to be.”

“He is kind of a stuck up asshole sometimes, though, isn’t he?”

I laughed and nodded my agreement.

“I just don’t understand,” Ella continued.

“What don’t you understand?”

“Why you kept it from me for so long. I mean, it’s been months since my bachelorette party. Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Actually, why didn’t you tell me at all? It was kind of humiliating having to find out on Instagram.”

“I know, and I’m so sorry. We should have told you much sooner.”

“But you didn’t.”

“No,” I said quietly.

“Why not? You’re supposed to be my best friend.”

“I know…I was just scared, I guess.”

“Scared of what?”

“Of how you would react.”

Ella sighed and took another sip of her wine. When she looked back up at me, she had tears in her eyes. My stomach flipped, and I was immediately terrified about what was about to happen.

“Did you think I would freak out or something? Or, like, hate you forever? I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t tell me something so huge.”

“Honestly, we didn’t know—”

“I’m not talking about Dylan. I don’t want to hear about ‘we’. I want to know whyyoudidn’t tell me sooner. You’re supposed to be my best friend.”

With every passing second, I felt more and more guilty. She was completely right on all accounts, and I realized I didn’t really have a great reason for not telling her.

“I’m sorry, Ella, I really am. I don’t have a good explanation for it. I just—I know that you don’t have the fondest opinion of Dylan’s dating life, and I didn’t want you to think that I was just another slutty bimbo who was dating him for fame or money or something.”

“You seriously think I would ever think that about you?”

I shrugged, completely embarrassed.

“Grace, I love you, and I know you better than that. I would never think that about you.”

“I know,” I said quietly, “I was afraid.”

“You shouldn’t be afraid of me. I want to be the first person to know everything in your life. You’re like a sister to me.”

I cringed for a moment.

“I don’t know if you should call me your sister if I’m dating your brother.”

Ella laughed, and her easy smile returned to her face.