Page 58 of Miami Confessions

“Why do you keep saying you’re sorry? It’s not like he was talking about you.”

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I didn’t want to lie straight to her face, but I knew that telling her the truth now would only make things infinitely worse.


I couldn’t find the words. I don’t find myself speechless often, but I certainly was right then.

“I just can’t believe him. He knows that I hate when he takes attention from me, and to do it on my wedding day was just cruel.”

“I know. I wish I could do something that would make it better.”

“Well, there is one thing.”

“Anything. What is it?”

“I knew he was dating someone. I told you, didn’t I?”

“Yeah…you did,” I said hesitantly, a bit worried about where this was headed.

“You need to find out who it is.”

“Do you really think that is going to help the situation?”

“Well…no, but I need to know.”


“So I can kill her.”

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, but my mouth was completely dry. Once again, I found myself completely speechless.

“I have to know who she is. At least then I can put a name to this bitch.”

“How do you know she’s a bitch?”

“She’d have to be to date my brother. I love him, but he’s kind of the worst sometimes.”

“They say there’s someone out there for everyone.”

“Why are you defending him again?”

“I—I’m not. I’m sorry.”

“I just know she’s got to be some slutty bimbo that he met in a bar or something. No self-respecting woman would stoop low enough to date him. And he’s got her tricked into thinking he’s in love with her. I don’t think Dylan even knows what love is.”

I bit my tongue, wanting to defend Dylan, but not wanting Ella to think I was taking his side. When the silence between us grew longer and longer, I realized I had to say something.

“Maybe you should just give this girl a chance. People can change. Maybe Dylan really is in love with her,” I said quietly.

“I can’t talk about this anymore. I need to get back out there.”


“Please try to find out who it is. That will make tonight at least a little bit better.”

I nodded my head as she walked back outside, and I silently hoped that she was drunk enough to not remember any of this conversation in the morning.

I leanedback against the couch and closed my eyes for a brief moment before someone sat next to me and grabbed my hand. When I opened my eyes, I wasn’t sure if I should kiss Dylan or collapse into his arms and cry. Frankly, I wanted to do both.