The morning after Jonas and Ella’s party, I woke up like I was in a dream. Grace was in bed next to me. Naked, I might add. And we had just spent the most incredible night together. Actually, every night together was incredible, but this one was by far the best.
I knew I had missed her. I had missed her terribly, but I didn’t realize how badly I needed her. When I told her that I couldn’t live without her, it was entirely the truth.
“Morning,” Grace grumbled as she rolled over to face me.
I leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose, which made her blush incessantly, as it always did.
“Coffee?” I asked.
She nodded her head as I rolled out of bed and pulled on some pants. She watched me leave the room, and I saw her reach for her phone as I stepped into the hallway.
When I returned a few minutes later, her face was as pale as a ghost’s. I almost didn’t want to ask what had happened, but she stared at me with such alarm that I couldn’t help it.
“Is everything okay?”
“Nope. Definitely not.”
“Why? what—”
She handed me her phone, which was open to a series of at least 15 text messages from Ella. Shit. They started coming in just moments after Ella and I had left the party last night, and they continued into the early hours of the morning.
“Where did you go?? We’re doing shots!”
“Are you coming back?”
“I guess you left and went to bed or something. You could have at least said bye.”
“Is Dylan with you?”
“GRACE!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!”
“Please don’t tell me you left with Dylan. He’s gone too.”
“I’ll cry. I’ll scream. I’ll throw up.”
“You better be at home in your bed ALONE”
“Or with a hot man.”
“Grace please just let me know you’re okay. I’m getting worried.”
“Jonas and I are going to stop by your apartment on the way home.”
“Grace open the door!!!”
“Babe, we have tried everything to get in. I think your neighbors are going to call the cops on us. Please call me asap so I know you’re safe.”
“And not in bed with my brother.”
“Thanks love you bye.”