Page 32 of Miami Confessions

A few weeks later,Ella and Jonas were hosting a party for all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Ella claimed it was a way for all of us to get to know each other and be comfortable with one another before the wedding, but we all knew the real purpose.

Ella loved the attention of being the bride, and with the wedding only a month away, she wasn’t ready to give up all of that attention. So, another party celebrating her was one way to prolong it.

I arrived at the party without even considering the fact that Dylan would be there. He was Ella’s brother, and he had become close friends with Jonas over the years, so of course he would show up. Why this didn’t cross my mind beforehand, I have no idea.

When I stepped into the event hall of the restaurant where the party was being held, I noticed a group of people (mostly women) all gathered around someone. And then it hit me. Shit. Was it too late to leave and pretend I was sick or something?

“Grace!” Ella squealed from across the room.

Yep, definitely too late.

She crossed the room and wrapped me in a big hug like she hadn’t seen me in months, even though it had just been a couple days.

“I’m so sorry,” she said in a whisper.

“What? What for?”

“I didn’t even think to tell you to bring a date. All of the other bridesmaids and groomsmen brought their significant others. I’m sorry!”

“Oh, that’s okay,” I said quietly, wondering how I was going to phrase this, “theyallhave dates with them?”

“Well, except Dylan, but you know how he is.”

“No, I don’t.”

“I love him, but that man has had his ‘you-know-what’ in so many women’s ‘you-know-where’ that it’s amazing he doesn’t have a whole gaggle of children by now.”

I wanted to laugh at her joke, and normally, I would have. But knowing everything that Dylan told me weeks ago about his relationships and how he is portrayed in the media kept me quiet.

“Oh, right.”

“Just promise me you won’t become one of those women? I think I would die if I knew he talked you into sleeping with him.”

I cleared my throat and glanced around the room, looking for an out.

“Don’t worry,” I said, “I am not easily persuaded.”

“And I love you for that. Okay, I’m going to go make the rounds. Have fun!”

Ella skipped off into the crowd of people and I was left standing alone. The group in the center of the room slowly dispersed, and suddenly, Dylan was standing directly in front of me with no one between us. He hesitantly waved at me and I smiled, but I wanted to run out of the room.

As we were seatedfor dinner, everyone took a seat next to their date, so Dylan and I were left with the last two empty chairs at the table. He pulled mine out for me, and I tried to avoid eye contact as I sat down.

Jonas stood at the head of the table, preparing to give one of probably a thousand toasts that evening. I have no idea what he said. All I could think about was Dylan sitting just a few inches from me. His body close enough to touch. His lips close enough to kiss. I couldn’t believe how much I still wanted him.

“To Ella!” Jonas called, snapping me out of my daze.

I grabbed the glass of champagne in front of me and raised it in the air. As I moved to take a sip, Dylan hit the edge of his glass with mine and winked at me. He actually winked at me. This night was just going to get worse and worse.

Dinner was served, and it took everything in my power not to turn and talk to Dylan. I was sitting next to Megan and her husband, and across from one of the groomsmen whom I hadn’t met, and his date who very clearly did not want to be there.

I made small talk with all of them, but naturally, they all wanted to talk to Dylan, which left me sitting in the middle of the conversation while he schmoozed and sweet talked all of them. Why did I ever convince myself that he wasn’t a cocky prick? Because he definitely was.

Finally,dinner was cleared, and I thought I could go home. But I was very wrong. Ella announced to everyone there was a party bus out front waiting to take us bar hopping. I tried to conceal my groan as everyone else cheered and hollered.

We all made our way outside and started scrambling into the bus. I lingered behind for a moment, wondering if I could make an escape without anyone noticing.

“If you’re thinking about leaving, you wouldn’t be the only one,” a deep voice said from behind me.