Page 19 of Miami Confessions

Last night. Dylan had been here last night. In this apartment. Probably sitting on the couch. Maybe drinking out of a wine glass. It was like he was close enough to taste.

“Oh, I didn’t know you and Dylan, like, hung out regularly.”

“We don’t. I mean, we do when he’s in town, but that’s so rare that sometimes I go months without seeing him.”

I nodded my head, not wanting to pry any more than I already had. Ella was the type of person who could pick up on things without a word being said, so I didn’t want to arouse any suspicions that I might have any kind of feelings for Dylan. Which, of course, I didn’t.

Unfortunately,two bottles of wine later, I couldn’t hold in everything that sober me wanted to keep private.

“Ella, why doesn’t Dylan ever want to hang out with me?” I slurred as I lounged across the back of her couch with my legs up against the wall.

“What? Who?”

“Dylan… your brother.”

“Oh. Right. Well, I don’t think he knows you. He’s likesuperfamous andsuperrich, you know?”

“He knows me. He ruined your bachelorette party.”

“He did?”

I couldn’t help but laugh, which caused Ella to laugh, and soon enough both of us were completely breathless, and we had forgotten what it was we were laughing about in the first place.

“We should call him,” I suggested when the laughter finally subsided.

Ella burst into another fit of laughter, and I followed suit. The idea really was insane. And besides, what would I even say to him? I was completely drunk and laying on the couch with his sister. It probably wouldn’t end well if I did call him now.

“Can I just have his number? Pleeeeeassse!” I pleaded with Ella.

She sat up straight and raised an eyebrow at me.

“You want his number? Why?”

“He’s hot,” I said.

The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. I knew she was going to be suspicious that something had happened, but maybe I would get lucky and she would forget this conversation ever happened.

“Sure,” she said with a shrug.

She picked up her phone and a moment later, mine buzzed with a notification. I picked it up, even though I already knew exactly what it was, and I immediately saved the contact to my phone.

“Don’t ever call my brother hot again, though. That’s gross,” Ella said with a laugh.

The front door of the apartment swung open to reveal Jonas standing in the doorway with a bouquet of flowers in hand.

“You know what’s gross?” I asked, loud enough to make sure Jonas could hear me, “how much you two love each other. It’s, like, gag-worthy.”

“Lovely to see you, too, Grace,” Jonas said as he crossed the room and handed the flowers to Ella.

He planted a big kiss on her lips, but immediately pulled back in disgust.

“Wow, you two have had a fun night,” he said, eyeing the empty glasses and empty wine bottles.

“We ran out of wine,” Ella said sadly.

“That’s probably a good thing,” Jonas said with a nod.

Ella and I burst into laughter once again, and Jonas just stood there with an admiring smile on his face as he watched Ella nearly roll off the couch and onto the floor.