“What the hell? He was so hot!”
“You know I’m not interested in dating right now.”
“But, Grace, don’t you want to taste those delicious lips?”
“Ella!” I squealed. “You’re engaged!”
“So what? Jonas knows that I still like some eye candy every now and then. He does it, too.”
“You guys are infuriatingly perfect together, you know that, right?”
Ella sighed and looked wistfully into the distance.
“Yeah, I know.”
I rolled my eyes at her and picked up the menu again. Sexy waiter would be back any second to take our order, and I didn’t want to be sitting there stammering like an idiot.
After Ellaand I finished our meals, the waiter, whose name we learned was Roy, dropped off the checks, and we grabbed our stuff to head out the door. Just as we approached the front of the restaurant, Ella ran back to our table and scribbled something on the receipt I had left. I knew exactly what she was doing, even though I knew she was trying to be coy about it.
“Nice,” I grumbled.
“Well, if you won’t talk to him, I guess I have to do it for you.”
“You’re ridiculous,” I said with an eye roll.
I looped my arm through hers and we headed out the door and into the chilly evening air.
“So, now what?” she asked as we made our way to the subway.
“You mean, you don’t have to immediately get home and get into bed with Jonas?” I asked with a laugh.
“Well, he’s out with some friends tonight, too.”
“I see. So I’m just your second choice.”
“You know you’re always my first choice, babe!”
I scoffed my disapproval at her statement, and Ella just laughed at me.
“I was going to get some work done tonight,” I started to say.
“No way! You are not working tonight. We are going to my apartment and we are getting drunk.”
The work I had planned on doing could wait until Monday, I guessed, and I did like the sound of a wine night with my best friend. Ever since she had gotten engaged, our wine nights and any sort of alone time were pushed to the back burner.
I didn’t blame her. I probably would have done the same thing if I had been in her position, but I wasn’t going to pass up the chance to relive old times with Ell.
“Fine,” I said, trying to hide the excitement bubbling inside me, “but we’re watchingPrincess Diariesthis time. I’m tired ofYou’ve Got Mail.”
“Fine with me!” Ella squealed.
When we arrivedat her apartment, the first thing I noticed was a picture of her, Jonas, and Dylan hanging by the front door. It definitely hadn’t been there the last time I was over. Unfortunately, it meant that Dylan was once again the focus of my mind. It had been at least an hour since I had thought about him last. A new world record.
“That’s a nice picture,” I said, trying to sound casual.
Ella rolled her eyes and laughed at the photo.
“Dylan put that up for me last night. He bought the frame himself and everything.”