“Bedroom?” she whispered.
I nodded and followed behind her, never letting my hands leave her body.
In the morning,I still couldn’t believe that any of this was real. Grace rolled over and smiled at me, her eyes sleepy and gorgeous.
“Hey,” she whispered.
I pressed a kiss to her lips and flicked my tongue in and out of her mouth, which made her smile.
“Should I make us breakfast?” I asked.
“You don’t know how to cook,” she reminded me.
“Right. Well, let’s go out then.”
She nodded and rolled out of bed, still completely naked from the night’s activities. She had my undivided attention as I watched her get dressed, but then I realized she was waiting for me to get up and get my clothes on.
As we stepped out into the morning sunlight, a group of paparazzi were waiting for us on the street. I had hoped it would take them longer to figure out where Grace lived, but I guess I was out of luck.
I wrapped my arms around her and dipped her low to the ground as I kissed her lips. If we were going to be public, we might as well make it interesting for everyone. Grace blushed, and I realized I probably should have asked her before making such a grand statement.
“Sorry,” I whispered as we walked past the photographers.
She just smiled at me and grabbed my hand.
“This is going to take some time for me to get used to,” she said quietly.
“I’ll be right by your side the entire time.”
She squeezed my hand as we walked down the street, and I made a silent promise to be the best partner she could ever want.
“Dylan,you really didn’t have to do all this for me,” I said as I looked around the hotel suite that was full of fresh flowers, balloons, and gifts.
It was my 30th birthday, and he had insisted on bringing me to Miami, back to the hotel where our secret love affair had begun more than two years before. Ella and Jonas stood in the doorway, their arms wrapped around each other as they watched us fondly.
The last time we had been here, I never expected to fall in love with my best friend’s brother. And I certainly never expected her to be okay with it. But Ella had been nothing but supportive since day one, at least counting from the first day she really knew about us, and I would forever be grateful for that.
“Did you guys know about all of this?” I asked, turning to face them.
They both nodded, with smiles on their faces. Of course they did. I was always the last to know about Dylan’s elaborate surprises.
“You should have stopped him,” I said to Ella.
“Babe, you deserve this. You work harder than anyone I know.” Jonas and Dylan both glared at her with the same incredulous look, but she just shrugged, “and you deserve to be treated to something nice every now and then.”
She was right. It wasn’t often that I got breaks from work, not since my promotion anyway, and I was definitely in need of a vacation. Despite Dylan’s best efforts, I didn’t let him treat me very often.
I crossed the room to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He kissed the top of my head and held me tight.
“Thank you for this. It’s really wonderful.”
We held each other for a moment, and then I heard the door close behind us. Jonas and Ella had disappeared, and I was finally alone with the love of my life for the first time in way too many hours.