Dylan growled and kissed my lips, pulling me closer and closer to him until there was no space left between us. He nipped at my bottom lip and ran his fingers through my hair. Before I realized what was happening, he lifted his feet and we both sunk down into the water, our lips still entwined with each other. When we popped back up into the cool air, all I could do was laugh, and he laughed with me.
“I could listen to you laugh all night long,” he whispered.
I gently nibbled his earlobe and he squeezed the sensitive skin on my hips. It made my whole body react, and I knew a war was about to ensue.
“You know I hate being tickled.”
“What are you going to do about it?”
He started swimming deeper and deeper into the water, and I chased after him as fast as I could. The tide didn’t want me to move that way, but I fought against it, desperate to make Dylan pay for what he had done.
He relaxed for a moment and closed his eyes as he floated on his back. I made my way to him as silently as possible and grabbed his foot before he had time to react. I ran my fingernail down the bottom of his foot and his body writhed and whirled around in the water, trying to get free.
When I finally let go, Dylan stared at me with a hot intensity.
“You are going to pay for that.”
I swam towards the shore as quick as I could, trying to keep my limbs out of his reach. I couldn’t breathe as I laughed and swam and ran to the sand. I barely made it out of the water before him, but the moment my feet touched the ground, his arms were around my waist, spinning me around.
“You’re not getting away that easy,” he mumbled into my ear.
“Oh yeah?”
He carried me over to where our towels were laid out in the sand and set me on top of one of them. He lowered himself on top of me and suddenly, the cool breeze didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was the salty taste of his lips on mine. The water dripping from his hair onto my chest, and his hands roaming my body.
He rolled me on top of him and I squealed in surprise. I sat on top of his hips, looking down at him with admiration. I wasn’t sure how I had landed someone like him, I was just glad he was mine.
He tried to hide a smile as he looked at me, but he wasn’t doing a great job of concealing it.
“What is it?”
“You’re just so gorgeous. I can’t believe this is real.”
“Well, believe it, baby!”
He laughed and pulled me into his chest, kissing the top of my head. But honestly, I couldn’t believe it either.
He held me tight for such a long time that I started to think he had fallen asleep. I mean, it was late and we had had a bit to drink, but I was surprised he could drift away so quickly when there was a naked woman on top of him.
“Are you asleep?”
“No, just thinking.”
“About what?”
“If my life were different.”
“In what way?”
“If I wasn’t who I am. If I had gone down a different career path. If I had made better decisions in my younger years. If I had met you sooner.”
“And what’s the conclusion?”