Page 42 of Miami Confessions

Of course, he and I were once again the only people in attendance without a date, so we were seated next to each other at dinner. After Jonas’ father made a toast, it was Dylan’s turn to stand and speak.

“As most of you probably know, my little sister is one of the most annoying people in the entire world,” he started.

The room erupted with laughter.

“But she is also one of the kindest and most intelligent people in the world, too. It takes a special kind of person to love her, and I’m so glad she found Jonas.”

Jonas and Ella looked at each other and gave each other a quick peck on the lips. I longed for the day I would be able to openly show my affection to the person I was in love with.

“As her older brother, I've had the joy of watching Ella grow into the remarkable woman she is today. From her earliest years, she has always been full of spirit and determination, radiating a warmth that draws people in and makes them feel instantly at ease. She's been my partner in crime, my confidante, and my constant source of laughter.”

I reached for my handbag to pull a tissue out, and several other people did the same.

“Throughout our lives, we've shared countless memories and adventures, and today marks a new chapter in her journey with Jonas by her side. Jonas, let me tell you, you've not only won over Ella's heart but also the hearts of our entire family. Your kind and caring nature, your sense of humor, and your unwavering support for Ella are evident in everything you do.”

Ella wiped away a tear and Jonas gave her a squeeze on her shoulder.

“Ella and Jonas, you complement each other in the most beautiful ways. Ella's adventurous spirit finds a perfect match in Jonas, who's always ready to embark on new journeys with her. Together, you create a balance that fosters love, growth, and understanding in your relationship. Jonas, I couldn't ask for a better man to be my new brother.”

Jonas smiled at him and Dylan glanced around the room, clearly aware that he had captivated everyone in attendance.

“If I could change one thing about tonight, it would be that our parents could be here to celebrate with us.”

Several people started to sniffle, and Ella looked as if she was about to burst into tears.

“But I know they are here in spirit, and they are so proud of you, Ella.”

Dylan crossed the room to wrap Ella in a big hug, and everyone in the room started to applaud.

“To a lifetime of happiness for Ella and Jonas,” Dylan finished, raising his glass to the room.

I took a sip of my champagne and tried to hold back the tears as Dylan returned to his seat next to me. I leaned over to him, prepared to kiss him, but he jumped back before I could make contact. I suddenly realized what I was doing, and put as much space between him and I as possible.

“Great speech,” I said, clearing my throat.

“Thank you very much.”

Dylan and I enjoyed our dinner together, but not together, as we talked and laughed with the people around us. Ella and Jonas made the rounds, stopping to greet each person individually. When they approached us, Ella hugged me tighter than I thought possible.

“Can I talk to you in private?” she whispered.

I nodded my head and excused myself from the table. I followed Ella out onto the darkening beach, a bit worried about what she wanted to talk to me about.

“I’m worried about Dylan,” she said.

“What? Why?”

“He’s not been acting like himself.”

“In what way?”

“I don’t know he’s just…not himself. Usually he’s kind of a dick, you know?”

“Oh, I know,” I agreed, hoping I sounded convincing, and trying not to indicate that I was thinking about Dylan’s actual dick.

“But he’s been so…nice…lately. It’s weirding me out.”
