Page 37 of Miami Confessions

“But you can’t be a stick in the mud.”

“When have I ever been a stick in the mud?”

They all stared at me incredulously.

“Fine. I swear I won’t be a stick in the mud. What’s the plan?”

“We’re going to a strip club.”

I swallowed hard before I could respond. Even before I met Grace, I wasn’t the typical audience member at a strip club. I didn’t really see the appeal, and I had only ever been once or twice before. But now…the only woman I wanted to see half naked was the woman who had just ended things with me. I guess this was one way to try and get over her.

“Cool. Let’s get out of here.”

Austin grinned, but Sean and Matteo still looked skeptical. They followed me out the door, anyway, and we hopped into the limo that had been waiting outside. We cracked open some beers in the back of the car, and I tried to get myself on board with whatever was about to happen.

We pulledup to the club that the guys had picked out, and I was trying to hide my hesitancy. We made our way to the front of the VIP line, and we were let right in. Honestly, I was kind of hoping that they would turn us away or something.

Once inside, a woman guided us through the club to a back room. We entered a dark and quiet space that, apparently, Matteo had reserved for us in advance. The woman left a bottle of whiskey on the table in the center of the room, along with four glasses. She left the room and closed the curtain behind her, leaving the four of us alone.

“Dude, I thought you said we had VIP seats?” Sean asked.

“We do.”

“We’re not going to be able to see anything that’s going on out there,” Austin said as he pointed to the stage that was obscured by a wall and the curtain.

“Don’t worry, fellas. Have I ever steered you wrong?”

“Yes,” the three of us said in unison.

“Well, this isn’t one of those times. Be patient.”

We heard the music start outside, but we still couldn’t see anything. Just then, two barely-clothed women came walking into our room. One of them approached Matteo and helped herself to a seat on his lap, and the other grabbed Sean by the hand and stood him up so that she could dance on him.

Sean and Matteo were grinning from ear to ear as they enjoyed the women in front of them. I glanced at Austin, who seemed to be enjoying the show just as much as the other men.

“Don’t worry,” Matteo said when he saw my face, “you’ll get your turn.”

I tried to smile, but I didn’t want a “turn”. I wanted to leave. I wanted to go home and wrap Grace in my arms. I didn’t want to be here, and I wasn’t sure why I had talked myself into coming here with them, when I knew that I wouldn’t enjoy myself.

“I think I’m going to head out,” I said to Austin.

“Okay, bro,” he said, clearly focused on the girls and not on what I had just said.

Matteo grimaced and shot an offended look at me. He whispered something into the woman’s ear who was now grinding on his lap, and she smiled and started walking towards me.

“You can’t leave without a dance,” she crooned as she straddled me.

I tried to push her off of me, but I didn’t want to come off to forceful, so I let her linger there for a moment until I had the courage to stand up. She fell off my lap and nearly onto her ass. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me.

“I’m sorry. I need to leave.”

The room was silent as I walked out, but as soon as I was gone, I could hear voices again.

“What’s wrong with him? Is he married or something?” one of the women asked.

“No, he’s just a prick,” I heard Matteo say.