Page 134 of Imperfect Love

I work my way through the first floor, then up to the second floor. My room is neat as a pin. Avery’s looks like a tornado hit it, including the bed. My cock twitches, and I roll my eyes. I have no control when it comes to Avery. The idea of what we did together on that bed still has me so fucking turned on. Just seeing the bed has me ready to come.

It takes less than five minutes to navigate the entire house. I was right. There was no one there. I step out on the porch. Avery is in the yard talking to Mrs. Jenkins. Of course, an LOL has to know what is going on, no matter how small. As I hear the sirens, I realize there is no doubt that all this is being reported on the JSE, and everyone will start showing up within five minutes.

How did I ever think I could slip in and out of town without anyone knowing? It was a fool’s errand to even contemplate doing that. I roll my shoulders, trying to loosen the tightness of my back. It feels as if it is strung tight, and someone is twisting the rope tighter and tighter.

Avery slides her hand up my spine.

Instantly, my nerves start to settle.

“Don’t worry about the Nosey Noras.” Her voice is just loud enough for me to hear. “They’re more interested in the situation than you.”

I glance down at her standing by my side. “When did you get so smart?”

She smiles. “I’ve been like this since birth.”

The chuckle catches me by surprise. Usually, in situations like this one, I’m strung tight. It isn’t something I let people know. When you run a company like mine, you have to know how to handle stress.

“So, you had an intruder?” Josh says.

I shrug. “Not sure. Nothing was disturbed.”

“But the door was open?”

I nod.

“Well, let’s take a look around then.”

With a grim look, he heads into the house, and I turn to follow him.

“You don’t need to come with me.”

“But I can tell you if anything is disturbed.”

He nods, but Avery stops me.

“I can do that better.”

I frown. I know there’s no threat because I went through the place myself, but I don’t want her in there. Not until Josh gives us the all-clear.

“You need to stay here for the cats.”

She glances over at them, watching us from the car.


She bites her bottom lip, and her worried look fills me with warmth. I can’t remember the last time someone was concerned about me like that. Other than my mother, no one checked on me, worried if I was in trouble.

Avery does.

I step closer, slip my arm around her waist, and yank her closer to me. “I’ll be fine.”

She nods, and I bend my head to kiss her. Just a brush of my mouth against hers. Just a simple kiss, but the need to make it more almost overwhelms my better senses.

Drawing in a breath and some of her intoxicating scent, I step away from her. I have to hurry to catch up with Josh.

He’s in the kitchen frowning over the place, his hands on his hips.

“So, you and Avery?”