Page 106 of Imperfect Love

“More than one?”

“Yeah, apparently, she adopted another one today.”

And I did check out the Insta of the shelter. She’d posted a video of Benjamin saying she was taking him home with her.

“Something is going on.”


“With you and Avery.”


She gives me the same look she gave me when I was accused of hacking into my father’s bank account and moving money around to freak him out. I didn’t steal it. I just put most of his money from his bank account into his savings account. My father is not a smart man.

“I would rather not talk about it.”

“Okay. I’ll let it go. Tell me what you think of Ted.”

“Does it matter?”

“Of course.”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt. Football players have reputations.”

“Yeah, but Ted has a reputation in the other direction.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s been married just once.”

“And why did they get divorced?”

“They didn’t. She died of breast cancer three years ago. This is his first dating experience since then.”

“Well, then he hit the lottery.”

“My sweet boy,” she says with a smile. “If people knew how sweet you are, they would take advantage of you.”

I roll my eyes. I have a reputation for being a ruthless businessman regarding my apps and programs. There are a few reasons for that. Number one, my father. The bastard tried to get me to sign him on to my first venture, then he tried to initiate a takeover of my first company. He failed, but it taught me that no one could be trusted.

“I bet Avery O’Bryan could use someone like you in her life.”


“Sorry. I just loved that you two sparkled around each other.”

I feel my face heat. “I don’t sparkle around Avery.”

Ted sits down. “Stop messing with him, Clarice.”

“Thank you. Nice to have your support.”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. I agree with your mother. Reminds me of when we met.”

I don’t want to hear about this, but, on the other hand, I also want to hear about it. It’s a weird clash of thoughts.

“He doesn’t want to hear about that.”