Page 95 of Imperfect Love

Jon:Not sure, but she did wake me up to feed her.

Me:She is demanding.

Jon:And I have the scratches to prove it.

I will not think about his bare chest.


Jon:No, you aren’t, but if it has you thinking about my chest, it was worth it.

Oh, no. I can handle uptight Jon. I can handle even funny Jon. Flirty Jon? That might just kill me.

Me:Oh, was that your plan? Entice me with your chest?

Jon:Would that work on you? It would work for me if you wanted to use that strategy.

My face flames hot. I don’t get embarrassed, so this has to be arousal. I’ve been a walking hormone since I saw him in that tux last night. Strike that. I’ve been simmering with hormones since I landed on top of him a few days ago. This flirting is going to kill me. Dead.

Me:Stop that.

Jon:Come back and make me.

Me:Is this your way of trying to get rid of me?

Three dots appear, then disappear, then they show up again.

Jon:I’m weird, but I’m notthatweird.

Jon:Unless you’re into that.

“What has you smiling?”

I almost screech because Liv is standing next to me. I didn’t even know she was there.


“Not nothing.” She cocks her head and studies me again. “You would tell me if there was something wrong, right? You know I’m here.”

“I do. What do you think is wrong with me?”

“There is nothing wrong with you, Avery. You’re perfectly imperfect.”

I snort. It was something that my grandmother said all the time to me. Growing up and being different, it was hard to accept that I didn’t fit in. As a teen, you want to fit in so badly, and every time someone points out that you don’t, you die a little inside.

But Grannie Pam reminded me that every day there are imperfections. In those imperfections, we could craft the perfect life for us.

“I love you, Liv.”

“Now Iamworried.”

I laugh. “You’re an ass. Let’s go eat some carbs.”

I slip my phone into my pocket and grab my purse. I need some sugary goodness.

