Page 120 of Imperfect Love

“He was my first boyfriend.”


“He cheated.”

I hear more beneath the surface once again. Usually, she shares way too much information. If she’s keeping some of it hidden, that tells me there’s more to the story than she wants to reveal.

And in that instant, I realize I want to know. There’s so much that makes this woman tick. As I thought before, I want to discover it all. If I figure out what makes her the way she is, maybe I can work her out of my system and vice versa.

“That’s not the whole story.”

She tries to pull away, but again, I refuse. This woman is always trying to get away from me. I wanted her gone when I first arrived, but now, I want her around. All the time.

I blink at that realization, but I refuse to worry about it. Not right now. Right now, I need to know more about Avery.

“Yeah, well, he was stupid.”

“He was if he let you go.”

She looks up at me, surprise coloring her expression. “Thanks.”

“Now, tell me what went on with this idiot.”

And do I have to find him and ruin his life? It wouldn’t take much to screw with the man.

I blink. What the actual fuck? I think I’m just reacting to her behavior. The shame in her voice whenever this guy is mentioned, makes me want to ruin his life.

“I mean, he didn’t protect his phone very well. I had worries about his behavior. He had things to do in the middle of the night, or so he said. He was a big man on campus. The quarterback at TCU the year they were expected to make it to the championship. And he was in a frat, so I thought maybe that was why. I was naive for twenty.”

She didn’t have to explain that to me. I was the same way, unable to figure out the opposite sex and, worse, being so much younger than everyone else.

“I got into his phone one night and realized he was sending dick pics to other girls—who had asked for them. I mean…there was no reason for him to be so proud. I could see people asking you for dick pics, but let’s say he had really tiny hands.”

I try not to smile. “Go on.”

“Then I found horrible texts and discovered he was only dating me because I was helping keep his grades up. I was tutoring him in statistics.”

I do not have an easy temper, but I like to burn everything down once it gets going. This Chet asshole sounds like he deserves all my anger.

“There were worse things.”

I feel dampness on my chest. Great, Jon. You got her to talk about something that makes her cry. So suave. But something in her voice signals she needs to tell me what those things were. I sigh and hug her tighter, brushing my lips over her temple.

“Go ahead.”

She draws in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “There were videos. I know some girls do them happily, and I don’t judge.”

“Were there any of you?”

“No, he knew better.” Something in Jon’s chest loosened. “But the ones I knew the girls had no idea about were the up-skirt clips.”

“What the fuck?”

“Right? I know everyone has their own kinks, but that’s illegal. And gross. So, I turned him in.”

I blink up at the ceiling. “You turned him in?”

“Yeah. And it didn’t go well for him. One or two of the girls were considered minors. So, that was a whole other charge.”