Page 112 of Imperfect Love

“It’s an app Jon developed.”

“He developed an app?”

It’s my turn to blink. I know Jon is known for his security background for various government agencies. Still, he made his big bucks developing apps. Does she not know how Jon earned his money?

“Sienna, what are you doing here?”

She must understand that I know who she is.

“Are you the reason he wouldn’t come to Milan?”

“Uh, no. I rented the house from his grandma, the aforementioned Estella.”


“Come on. Let’s go sit down.”

She follows me into the kitchen, looking at it like it’s disgusting. Oh, so she’s one of those people who love the sleekness of new things. I get that. Me, though, I love historical things. I think that’s why I love this house so much. It was built even before Estella met her husband. They owned pretty much all the land of Juniper Springs at one time.

“Would you like some tea?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

No offer to help. She just sits her boney ass in one of the chairs.

I plug in the kettle and get the cups prepared. “I have green tea if that’s okay with you.”

“That’s fine.”

It takes me a few minutes to get the tea ready. I don’t really drink it. I keep it around because it reminds me of Grannie Pam. She would have tea every afternoon when I got home, and we would talk about our days.

Blinking, I mentally order myself not to cry. Once I add milk and sugar to mine—the only way I can drink it—I bring the cups to the table. “I figured you didn’t like to have anything in yours.”

She nods, but she doesn’t sip it.

“Really, Sienna, what are you doing here?”

“I came to make up with Jon. To forgive him.”

I tamp down on my panic. Why would I worry if they made up? If they did, Jon would leave, and I would have the entire house to myself. That’s what I wanted. To be left alone.

Why does that make me sad?

“Listen, I get it. He’s a good-looking dude. But don’t you find him a little…boring?”

“Personality-wise, yes. He hated going to parties with large groups of people. He also hated when I talked about the shows I walked in.”

That does sound like Jon. The problem is that she never had a man act like that before. I bet most guys hang on to her every word. If I was a guy, I probably would too. She’s gorgeous in a shiny, sparkly way. Like, I bet she wakes up without morning breath.

“Can you tell me what Jon does for a living?”

Again, another blink. “I thought he was independently wealthy.”

He probably is. The Howards are legendary in Texas, and from her twang, Sienna grew up here. The only other rancher with a bigger reputation is the Waggoner family. They have owned a considerable part of South Texas for a long time. Rumor is they were here before it was even a nation. And yes, Texas was a nation. Look it up.

“He’s one of the best-known people in the tech industry.”
