4 months later
It has been a great few months. A week after meeting my mom and sister, Kitty agreed to think about marrying me. I was not too happy with that answer, but I also didn’t want to stress her out while she is pregnant. The most important thing is that she is in my bed every night and every morning without fail. We even found out we are having a little girl. Now that threw me for a loop. I knew obviously there was a 50/50 chance of either, but somewhere in my mind, I always thought it would be a boy. Seriously, who the hell would give me a girl, so I can go crazy and to jail?
The fuck.
Kitty’s stomach has been steadily getting bigger and seeing the evidence of my manhood growing healthy and strong inside her, is the biggest turn on ever. Knowing I was the first to get there and will be the last.
Today I am going to the shop to pick her up for lunch and then I have a meeting. Getting ready to walk out the door, my phone starts to ring. I grab my keys, open the garage, and turn on my Bluetooth.
“Hey son.”
“Hey dad. Wass up?” It’s unlike my dad to call in the middle of the day for nothing. Usually he schedules even the check in phone calls, so this has me perplexed.
“When does your sister get back from Chicago? DJ is asking for her and she has been so busy since she has been there that she hardly gets to talk to him. I don’t understand what that girl is thinking.”
“Dad, calm down. You know she went there for her new job. I am sure she has been busy, and you know just like I do how much she loves DJ. So, if she hasn’t been able to talk to him, then rest assured she is feeling it too.”
“I guess. But I don’t get why she is doing this at all. Your mom and I are more than capable of helping her.” I chuckle a bit at that. My dad is 100% correct. He and my mom can support her. But the things is, she has Monte-q blood. Which means she has the itch to work and leave her mark. Being a kept daughter, would never work for her. Just like it wouldn’t work for me.
“Dad don’t worry. The tattoo shop sent her away, so she could get trained to be the actual office manager and handle their money and stuff. This is important to her. Try to be supportive. Ok?”
“If you say so. So, when are you and Kitty going to get married and make sure my granddaughter has our name before she gets here?” Here we go.
“I’m working on it dad. Trust me.” We end the conversation after that and I continue driving to the shop. When I get there, I am greeted by Miles.
“El. How’s it going?”
“Good and you?”
“We are hanging in there. Can’t wait for your sister to start though. Seems kind of weird we paid for her to go out of town for 90 days for training and all without even meeting her. But if Kitty said she will fit, I believe her.”
“Trust me man. Carrie will appreciate it. She is looking forward to making this work. Where is my woman?”
“She is over in the corner tatting someone. You can head on back.”
I walk my way to the back of the shop and the first thing I notice is the skimpy ass tank top she is wearing, showing too much of my tits, while leaning over some jackass looking down her shirt. Before I can check myself and calm down I lose my shit.
“What the fuck are you wearing? Flaunting my shit around for every douchebag to leer at? That’s it. You are done with this shit until after the baby. Obviously, you haven’t considered your changing body when choosing what to wear and there is no way in hell you’re going to be dressed like that here. Get your shit Kitty.” I don’t know where my head is right now, but my fucking anger is front and center. So much so, I can barely see right now. Instead of grabbing her shit, she excuses herself for a moment and stomps past me out the front door.
“El, I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but you cannot and will not tell me what to do, wear, or work.”
“I am your fucking man. The father of your baby. The man who loves you and wants to marry you. Or did you forget?”
“Of course, I didn’t’ forget, but I also told you I couldn’t handle the caveman shit. I thought you were different and I was wrong. After what I told you about my parents, I thought you got it. But as usual, I remember you cannot trust love. It kills you every time. I will get my shit out of your house. I can’t do this El.”
She goes to walk past me, but I will be damned if I let her walk away from me that easily. Fuck that.
“Kitty. Yes, I lost my shit. But seriously, you can’t see why? You know damn well I would never harm you physically. Your dad was sick baby. There was something wrong with him in general. I am not like that and you know it. I will not let you make me out to be like him. Hell no. If you want to run, at least be honest about the fact that this has been what you wanted all along. No mess, no fuss, and no chance of being hurt. I have tried to show you, tell you, and prove to you our love is different. But you what, you want out? You got it. I am done beating my head up against a brick wall. That is still my baby and I want to know everything. Call me if you need me. But I cannot love you enough for the both of us. Obviously. Later Kitty.”
And with that, I walk away from my present and future, hoping she would realize her past was holding her back before it is too late.