Page 60 of Secret Desire

I stood up, placed my fists on my hips in my Wonder Woman pose, and told my insecurity toFuck off!You don’t belong here. You’re wrong.

I closed and locked the door to the hall and dashed back to my desk to grab my phone. Marching into Steven’s office, I closed his door to the hall and locked it, and I did the same to the adjoining door to Mrs. Barnes’s office, even though she was on vacation this week.

“I have a surprise for you, Loverboy,” I whispered as I sauntered over to him.

He looked up from his computer screen and grinned. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.”

“Push your chair away from your desk,” I said.

He followed my order, pushing himself back a few feet and raising his eyebrows questioningly. I stood in front of him, my heart pounding in my chest.

Nerves? A little.

Excitement? Absolutely!

I put my iPhone on his desk and pressed play. As the tango tune “Santa Maria” by Gotan Project filled the room, I closed my eyes and let the music fill my senses. The rhythm and passion of the song begged my body to move sensuously. I swayed my hips to the melody.

I never thought my body was sexy before, but Steven’s desire convinced me I was the sexiest woman on earth.

With my newfound confidence about my body’s sex appeal, I was excited about moving my curves for my man.

I mimicked the sexy dance moves from the moviesTake the LeadandShall We Dance.

The hunger in Steven’s eyes as he watched me was feral. His ravenous eyes darted from one part of my body to another.

That was all the encouragement I needed.

Any lingering insecurity suddenly vanished.

I closed my eyes and swayed, shimmied, and thrust. I trailed my hands over my curves.

As the rhythm enfolded me, the music seemed palpable, as if it was moving me instead of me moving to it.

As the song ended, I straddled Steven and continued my dance, my breasts shimmying in his face until the music stopped.

I sat down on his lap and instantly, his arms wrapped around my body, and his lips forcefully claimed mine.

He moaned as he pulled me down closer until I could feel his hard cock through his pants. I snaked my hands around his neck and up through his hair, grabbing a fistful of his salt-and-pepper strands.

I pulled, forcing his head back. Forcing him to release his mouth from mine.

We stared into each other’s eyes.

I wanted to see him, to look at him.

I needed to see his desire for me in his eyes, not just feel it with his body. His breathing was heavy.

Keeping the pressure on my grip, I ground on his lap against the bulge in his pants. He released me and clutched the arms of his chair as he gulped.

“Ohhh, Laura…” His eyes rolled into the back of his head.

“Look at me!” I commanded.

They fluttered open.

I rode him. Leaning into his body, I pressed my boobs against his panting chest. As I nibbled on his jaw, his intoxicating woodsy scent filled my senses.

I yearned to be closer to him. I squeezed my legs around his hips, driving our bodies together. His body tensed under mine.