Page 53 of Secret Desire

“No, but I know everything I need to know. We can take things slow, but I want to be with you. Get to know you more. Tell me why you’re hesitating.”

I squirmed under his gaze. “I have trust issues.”

He sat in front of me and stroked my knee. “Everyone has issues. Tell me about them.”

“I don’t trust men.”

“Because of your father?”

He must have seen the shock on my face because he put a hand up in defense. “I investigate all my candidates before hiring them, so yes, I know some facts about your life and your past. More than what the standard security check reveals. I didn’t know we would end up”—he waved a hand to encompass his condo—“here. Had we met any other way, I would never have invaded your privacy in that way.”

This would be easier to talk about because he already knew what had happened. I nodded. “It’s ok. I understand. I would have done the same in your position. But yes, because of him. I don’t want to end up like Mom did, betrayed and abandoned. It’s been so hard since he left. Especially seeing Mom’s sickness getting worse until she lost the fight. It wasn’t only about the money he stole from us. I can make that back. But it was seeing how devastated she was by his betrayal.” My heart ached with sadness. “She loved him. And she thought he loved her. It’s crazy, but I think she would have had the strength to fight the cancer if he had stayed by her side and supported her. It was like she gave up. Her broken heart took all her strength away, so she had nothing left to fight her sickness with. I refuse to let anyone have that much power over me.”

Steven wiped a tear away from my cheek. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. And I don’t know what’ll happen between us in the future, Laura, no one can know that. But if things don’t work out, for whatever reason, I would never ruin your life. You’re too strong to let me or anyone else take your power away from you. I didn’t know your mom, but she trusted the wrong man. There must have been clues that he was not in love with her before she got sick.”

Memories flooded my mind of my father constantly asking Mom to increase his credit card limit and accusing her of not loving him enough to share her money with him. “There were tons. I couldn’t admit it at the time, but deep down, I think I knew he didn’t love Mom. Or me. He loved money. Her money. And when she got sick, he seized the opportunity to manipulate her into signing documents that gave him the power to take everything, and then he disappeared.”

“Maybe your mom wasn’t as smart and strong as you, but I can’t imagine you making the same mistake she did. I’m not perfect, but my intentions are true. I care about you and want to get to know you more.”

I wanted the same. Besides, I had nothing of value for him to want, so he couldn’t be anything like my dad. In fact, being with me could hurt his career if we got caught, but he was willing to risk it for me.

That made me feel special somehow.

And what about my plan? Sleeping with him was one thing. But he wanted more. A lot more.

And if I searched my heart, so did I. For the first time in my life, I wanted to be with someone.

I was the one who had made the plan. So, I was the one who could change it. Change my priorities. No, not change, add. I wanted Steven in my life. Wanted him at my side while I pursued my career. Being in a relationship didn’t mean I had to sacrifice my career goals. I didn’t know how, but I would find a way. I always did.

I nodded, and he let out a deep breath as if he had been holding it.

I stroked the pendant, the symbol of affection. “I didn’t get you anything, though.”

He barked out a laugh. “Silly woman. You’re the only gift I could ever need or want.”

He pulled me onto his lap, his chest comforting yet powerful at my back. With our bodies intertwined, we watched the twinkling lights of the tree.


I hadn’t seen a tree this well-decorated since I was a kid. “I’m guessing you hired the best decorators in town to do your tree.”

He laughed, making my body bounce. “Of course. I almost didn’t get it done this year, but I’m glad I did. I really didn’t think in my wildest dreams that you’d be here for Christmas.”

He nuzzled my neck as I remained transfixed by the twinkling lights. My phone buzzed on the coffee table, and I knew it was probably a text from Kenny wishing me a Merry Christmas, but I decided to ignore it for now. Kenny could wait.

Steven started to pull his arm away, but I held it even tighter. “Where do you think you’re going?”

He chuckled. “Nowhere, but don’t you want your phone?”

“Nope. All I want is you right now.” I leaned my head back and pressed my lips to his jaw, giving him three quick kisses.

Running my thumb over his wrist, I asked. “How did you get this scar?”

His arms stiffened around me.

I shouldn’t have mentioned it. Maybe he wasn’t ready to reveal anything about his past yet. “Sorry, you don’t have to tell me. I’m being nosey.”

“No, it’s ok. I want to. I was in a car accident with my parents when I was nine.”