Page 40 of Secret Desire

God, I would love to know what her mouth felt like. What her—

Knock. Knock.

Motherfucking shit. Who the hell was that? Only John and I used these private bathrooms. “Occupied. Find another bathroom.”

“Hellooooo,” John said in a high-pitched voice, imitating an old lady. “Are you in there, sonny? Granny needs to use the facilities, dearie.”

“Fuck you, John. I’ll have my revenge in the cage tomorrow.”

“Oh dear! Is someone having trouble with their bowel movements? Hang on to the sides of the toilet and squeeze, my dear boy.”

“Go away, you prick.”

“Someone is grumpy,” he said in his normal voice in between guffaws. “It’s all that shit you’ve been holding in all these years. Just squeeze it all out, buddy. Release the load. Shoot it out.”

“Hand me those streamers,” said Andrew as he stood on a step stool in the hallway.

I grabbed the closest one, pulling it out of the box, remembering the time Steven…I meant my boss leaped onto my desk like a lion and strung up decorations in my office.

“Not that one, silly. Those are for Valentine’s Day. The one that says Merry Christmas on it.” Andrew’s Santa hat pompom bobbed as he pointed with his head.

I shook the memory away. “Oh, sorry.” I reached for the red and green streamer and handed it to him.

He reached up on the tips of his toes, standing on the topmost step of the stool. “Girrrrl, you’re distracted. Tell Uncle Andrew all about it, honey. I need to know.”

Andrew and I had become buds. We just clicked. I spent most of my lunch breaks with him. Escaping my office. Escaping the magnetism of my boss. And if Andrew was busy, then I’d take walks and chat on the phone with Kenny. He wasn’t much help. Total opposite. I needed him to talk me out of doing something stupid, but all Kenny did was encourage me to seduce my boss.

“Andrew, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Be careful, you’re too close to the edge.”

“Honey, I’ve been in charge of decorations in this company since you were in diapers. I know what I’m doing.” He hung the streamer and hopped off the stool, studying me over the top of his half-rim glasses. “Don’t think you can outsmart me, sweetheart. You can’t change the subject that easily. Tell me.” His gray eyes twinkled with mischief.

I stared at the floor, suddenly fascinated by the linoleum. “It’s just work. Nothing exciting.”

“Humph. I’ll pretend to believe you. For now. But you can’t keep it a secret from me forever.”

Yes, I could. No one at work had to know my hormones were on hyperdrive around my boss.

“Come on, let’s go hang the mistletoe.” Andrew’s skinny butt pranced through the hall as he hummed “Santa Baby.”

It was killing me to keep this a secret. I wanted to tell someone, but I didn’t have anyone. I liked Andrew, but how could I possibly tell him? He worked in HR. What would I say?Hey, Andrew, I wanna fuck my boss.

Sure, that would go over really well.

I convinced myself that I was not only protecting myself and Steven, but Andrew too.

I needed to keep my hands off my boss. Three jobs might be at stake here. No one would believe Andrew didn’t know about it, now that we were close.

There was no official regulation against office dating, but there was when it came to executives and their subordinates. And I was sure there was an ethical rule against a director and his intern doing the nasty.

We walked into the crowded break room. My boss was standing in front of the counter next to the microwave, arms folded across his chest with a sour expression on his face. The break room on our floor was under renovation, so he had to use the one on the floor below. This one.

Sheila, the blonde with the long Amazonian legs I had a run-in with on my very first day, took a step toward him. With one hand on her tiny waist, she shifted her big boobs to face him.

All the other co-workers in the room gave Mr. Cox a wide berth. They huddled at the opposite end of the room at the small round dining tables, casting nervous sideways glances his way. They hated it when he showed up in the common areas.

I suppressed a laugh. It always amused me to see how paranoid everyone was when Steven was around. Like Hellhound wasn’t a nickname but an embodiment of his true personality.

As far as I could tell, there were only four of us in the entire building who weren’t afraid of him.